
Well Known Member
I saw this on Kitplanes (and then followed the various links). It looks like ForeFlight worked with uAvionix to offer budget ADSB received.

It's tiny.
This does generate a dilemma for me. I like having my iPa/foreflight hooked up to my Dynon so I can transfer flight plans via Wifi.

On the other hand I would like weather/traffic on my iPad too (I do have ADS-B in for the Dynon but that doesn't seem to be shown on foreflight... ).

From what I understand this little device uses WiFi to connect to the iPad too.

As both the Dynon and this device want to be the WiFi base station I assume you have to choose one or the other.

Either transfer your flight plans via wifi to the Dynon or receive weather/traffic from that device but not both at the same time.

Am I wrong?

Any suggestion how to handle that?

p.s. I guess easiest would be if Dynon would send the weather/traffic to foreflight ... .
I'm not affiliated with any of the vendors involved. I read the website and watched the video.

It says it can connect with up to four devices. That may or may not include Dynon devices.

A good question for Foreflight or Dynon to answer.
Dynon and ADSB on iPad

Good morning folks. Update on Dynon and the iPad apps for displaying ADSB weather and traffic on the iPad.

There is at least 2 apps and maybe 3 that will display ADSB weather and traffic on their iPad using the wifi from the Dynon SkyView. First, FlyQ and FltPlan Go are both advertised to receive weather and traffic from SkyView, but when Dynon released the new ADSB-472, I can confirm that weather is displayed on the iPad, but there seems to be a problem with the wifi data stream out for traffic.

I have FlyQ, FltPlan Go and ForeFlight and can attest that all three of these apps at this time will display ADSB weather from the Dynon SkyView wifi using the ADSB-472. I sit in front of my hanger, get the local ADSB tower and get weather on both my SkyView and iPad using the above 3 apps. I am seeing traffic on my SkyView screen, but not on any of the 3 apps, and they should per the folks at Seattle Avionics and Dynon. It does take a little bit longer for it to display on the iPad, but it will show up, so wait a min or two longer.

I know that Dynon is now aware of this and is working on a fix to correct it, but with OSH starting, it might take a little while to get the fix and get it out to us, so be patent.
Good morning folks. Update on Dynon and the iPad apps for displaying ADSB weather and traffic on the iPad.

There is at least 2 apps and maybe 3 that will display ADSB weather and traffic on their iPad using the wifi from the Dynon SkyView. First, FlyQ and FltPlan Go are both advertised to receive weather and traffic from SkyView, but when Dynon released the new ADSB-472, I can confirm that weather is displayed on the iPad, but there seems to be a problem with the wifi data stream out for traffic.

I have FlyQ, FltPlan Go and ForeFlight and can attest that all three of these apps at this time will display ADSB weather from the Dynon SkyView wifi using the ADSB-472. I sit in front of my hanger, get the local ADSB tower and get weather on both my SkyView and iPad using the above 3 apps. I am seeing traffic on my SkyView screen, but not on any of the 3 apps, and they should per the folks at Seattle Avionics and Dynon. It does take a little bit longer for it to display on the iPad, but it will show up, so wait a min or two longer.

I know that Dynon is now aware of this and is working on a fix to correct it, but with OSH starting, it might take a little while to get the fix and get it out to us, so be patent.

Guess I must be doing something wrong. I got the SV-ADSB-470 and Foreflight and am not seeing the weather.... . Are there any settings I need to worry about?

Will try again when I am at the airport again.

Good morning folks. Update on Dynon and the iPad apps for displaying ADSB weather and traffic on the iPad.

There is at least 2 apps and maybe 3 that will display ADSB weather and traffic on their iPad using the wifi from the Dynon SkyView. First, FlyQ and FltPlan Go are both advertised to receive weather and traffic from SkyView, but when Dynon released the new ADSB-472, I can confirm that weather is displayed on the iPad, but there seems to be a problem with the wifi data stream out for traffic.

I have FlyQ, FltPlan Go and ForeFlight and can attest that all three of these apps at this time will display ADSB weather from the Dynon SkyView wifi using the ADSB-472. I sit in front of my hanger, get the local ADSB tower and get weather on both my SkyView and iPad using the above 3 apps. I am seeing traffic on my SkyView screen, but not on any of the 3 apps, and they should per the folks at Seattle Avionics and Dynon. It does take a little bit longer for it to display on the iPad, but it will show up, so wait a min or two longer.

I know that Dynon is now aware of this and is working on a fix to correct it, but with OSH starting, it might take a little while to get the fix and get it out to us, so be patent.
What <EXTERNAL> setting are you using for FltPlanGo? The AVIONICS or the ADS-B portion?

It's my understanding that this device was called the Ping Buddy and would communicate via Wifi to EFIS systems (dynon, AFS, etc.). They got involved with Foreflight, made some updates, renamed it the Scout, and now it will only work with the Foreflight app.

Which is too bad. I would buy one right now if it worked directly with my AFS EFIS.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Pingbuddy now Scout

My question: will/does the Scout have better signal capture than the Pingbuddy? As I posted on another thread, in contrast to a side-by-side comparison with the Stratus, the ping buddy was slow to capture the ADSB ground stations and was equally slow to process and display the data on my iPad with Foreflight. Just hoping the Scout has more robust performance before I drop $200.

Jim Diehl 7A
The Scout has proprietary encrypted data stream which will only communicate to the Foreflight app. I assume that Foreflight bought the market from uAvionix for what was advertised earlier as the Ping Buddy II and had it modified just for their app. Really hate that an excellent low cost product like that has now been removed from the larger market and usable only on the FF i Pad app only. Oh well, maybe someone will overcome that!
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Answer to a few previous posts.

Guess I must be doing something wrong. I got the SV-ADSB-470 and Foreflight and am not seeing the weather.... . Are there any settings I need to worry about?

Will try again when I am at the airport again.


Oliver, I don't think ForeFlight was advertised to displayed weather and traffic from the ADSB-470. I don't think it is advertised to work with the ADSB-472 either, but I do get ADSB weather from SkyView ADSB-472 unit. I will test traffic when Dynon gets the wifi string working.

Now, second question.

What <EXTERNAL> setting are you using for FltPlanGo? The AVIONICS or the ADS-B portion?

I have SkyView selected under AVIONICS.
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Worked fine

Bought a Scout at OSH and it worked as advertised on way home. Weather and radar were quite solid. Only concern is that I cannot say that I saw any 1090 traffic pings. PLENTY of 978 traffic headed home from OSH. Will continue to "play" with it.
Foreflight/Dynon ADSB Weather

I fly a Velocity with original Dynon Skyview, and Foreflight. I have the ADSB-470, and I receive Weather, but no traffic.

I wrote both Dynon and Foreflight to determine if I missed a software upgrade announcement. Finally Foreflight told me that it is accidental that my Foreflight was receiving Weather. They are not blocking it, but they are also not supporting it.

I recently upgraded to ADSB-472, but have not flown it yet to determine if the 472 will receive Weather. I am holding on to the 470 until it is confirmed. I really like this feature. Tim
Bought a Scout at OSH and it worked as advertised on way home. Weather and radar were quite solid. Only concern is that I cannot say that I saw any 1090 traffic pings. PLENTY of 978 traffic headed home from OSH. Will continue to "play" with it.

My passenger bought one at OSH. We did see 1090 traffic a couple times, but to be honest I didn't really pay attention to it. I had traffic and weather on my AFS 5500. Having it on three EFIS is more than satisfactory. The iPad would make he fourth screen. It's a backup to my backup.
I pre-ordered a Scout on Amazon and received it about 10 days ago. I have made 3 flights with it (in my -4) using Foreflight. So far, I am favorably impressed. I have powered it using both a USB battery pack and ship's power via a USB receptacle. It starts displaying traffic and weather before I reach pattern altitude. It seems to shows traffic nicely. (I chased several down to make sure they were real.) Interestingly, after landing, in front of my hanger, it was clearly displaying a steady stream of jet traffic going into Boston and Bedford.

A couple of times during the first flight, it showed an aircraft directly above or below me. After several aggressive maneuvers, I figured out I would not shake this other aircraft (me):). I has not happened since, but I'm not sure what would prevent it from happening again.

Weather displays nicely, though I have not been close enough to any bad weather go get much of a feel for how it performs.

For $200, this looks like a good solution until I install the uAvionix echoUAT and SkyFYX. (I have not yet decided whether I will do this during this year'a condition inspection, or next year's.)

Can it be configured to communicate via wifi to an EFIS without going through some other EFB first? Dynon, AFS, etc?

(looks like serial, yes. But I don't have any more serial ports.)

An AF-5000 will display weather and traffic using wifi from a Stratux.

Rob Hickman
N402RH RV-10
FYI -iPad / foreflight quirk

As a heads up to others,...(or maybe there is a software update on the way)

Bought the Scout at Osh,... installed it night before leaving,...and enjoyed traffic and weather the next day,... first flight. (After cooling down the iPad that overheated while waiting in taxi line after the ground loop)

However,...second flight of the day was NO JOY. iPad recognized Scout WiFi,...but Foreflight did not recognize connection.

Foreflight support came up with "forgetting" the Scout WiFi on the iPad,... then powering up Scout and joining Scout wifi.....Seems to be working
An AF-5000 will display weather and traffic using wifi from a Stratux.

Rob Hickman
N402RH RV-10

That is awesome.... I picked up the parts for a Stratux, put it together and it works well on the iphone, but is just too small to use in flight. I'll be ordering a wifi thingy soon then.

Any instructions or odd setup things I need to know about for interfacing with the AFS5600?