
Well Known Member
I have a Dynon system with HDX screens. In the past when you looked at the info for a particular airport, you could click the Wx tab, scroll to the bottom, and see the forecasted winds at 3000, 6000, 9000, etc. These pages now only show the forecasted winds at 3000.

Curious to see if it is just my screens, my area, or what. Do not know if this is a coincidence or not, but it seems like the issue just started during the deep freeze that we had here in Texas in February. There were com stations affected because of the freeze. This is what an air traffic controller told me while I was using flight following to El Paso. I surmised that maybe other FAA devices could have been affected.

Anyhow, before I contacted Dynon, I would reach out to see if there are others with the same issue.

Thanks, I will go check to see what version I have. Can't believe that I missed a software update. I need to be more diligent.

Don't feel like you missed a Skyview update, it only came out 15 July. I to was always looking for the winds above 3000 ft and wondered why it didn't show up. I found the update by accident doing a monthly obstacle data base update and would have liked to have had it on the way Oshkosh on Thursday afternoon fighting steady headwinds all the way down to 2000 feet MSL. Since I have uploaded the latest version, the winds aloft above 3000 feet show up, thank you Dynon.