
Well Known Member
I meant to ask this in the last question I posted today (I'm taking up a lot of real estate on the front page today - sorry), but for the -7/-9 rudder, you know how it suggests you glue the rudder together and let it sit before riveting? It suggests you use tank sealant or 30 min expoxy. Any strong opinions here? Does it matter? I was thinking that tank sealant is a messy pain, 30 epoxy - I've heard - cracks and gets stuck in the joint. Maybe JB Weld is the way to go? Any thoughts?
I would use tank sealant. JB Weld turns in to a little brick that will likely break apart and rattle around in the rudder. Some epoxies and silicones can be corrosive to aluminum.

Using Pro Seal now may get you "in the groove" for Pro Seal on the tanks.
I used 30 minute epoxy but would not do it that way again. The epoxy did not hold while I was riveting, but it still turned out just fine. I don't know how well JB Weld would work. I would use proseal if I were to do it again.
I used JB Weld...

I used 30 minute epoxy but would not do it that way again. The epoxy did not hold while I was riveting, but it still turned out just fine. I don't know how well JB Weld would work. I would use proseal if I were to do it again.

Worked terrific, just didn't put too much on and let it dry for about 24 hours before riveting. Sanded all surfaces before applying the glue. I used the original JB Weld, NOT the JB Quick. Edges came out perfect!
thanks for the comments, guys. I just did a search and it appears this has come up before. I think my order of operations is out of whack: search then post, oh, right!
I tried using T-88 and wasn't pleased. It didn't seem to hold real well, so I used proseal after that.

My vote is for Proseal in spite of the mess. I have used it as...

Windscreen Bedding material(aluminum Fairings)
In place of Loctite on Tapped screws (Loctite crazes plexiglas)
Bedding material for NACA vents.
Firewall sealer

I even used it to seal a leaking solenoid valve on a refridgerator ice maker and anything else that requires a good adhesive type seal!!!

Oh yes, four fuel tanks and repaired an additional one. The stuff gets easier to work with as experience increases.

Dick DeCramer
RV6 N500DD flying
RV8 unidentified yet
Northfield, MN
Proseal is the best choice. JB weld would be my next choice, but it's not really an... um... aircraft material. T88 is wood glue, and given how poorly epoxies adhere to aluminum, I wouldn't use them at all. Proseal is produced exactly for this type of appication!
dont use permatex ultra black ( safe on alu ). it wil let go when you rivet. i used proseal the second go round and it worked perfectly. i also used it to reseal that 300$ gm 6 cylinder a/c compressor. on its second season now.:cool:
No question here, go with pro-seal, its proven, it works plus it's always fun to get a little messy! Other than the tanks, I've used pro-seal on rudder, bonding naca ducts, bonding hinges on cowls and sealing up a few other places,it's great stuff.

Used proseal, worked fine. Might try JB weld if I repeat because it sands much nicer than proseal. It is also easier to cleanup. The joint sealant on the rudder is not structural, it is cosmetic only.

My two cents
-Ron O.
No question here, go with pro-seal, its proven, it works plus it's always fun to get a little messy!

I'm not sure "fun" is ever a term I'd use to describe the sort of messy that proseal provides :(

I just finished my other fuel tank, after SEVERAL MONTHS of putting it off. It's more of a "thank god that's over" sort of fun :D