Rick of Austin

Well Known Member
I'll be registering my -12 as an EAB primarily to be able to design my own panel and electrical system, choose my own avionics and eliminate dependencies on suppliers of propriatary things like control boards, switches etc.

Does the wiring and electrical components come with the avionics kit? Or do you get some of the wiring with the engine kit and some with finishing kit.
How about the engine sensors?
I guess my questions could best be answered by looking at a list of componenets in each kit but I am unable to find that on Van's site.
I was on the fence about this approach until last week when I flew my neighbors Rans S-7 that has the same Rotax prop engine combo with a MUCH simpler panel and electrical system that could be maintained and repaired by any mechanically savy person.
BTW it is a very nice flying airplane!
What not to order

Without finding all of my packing lists, the easy answer is to order all of the kits except the Avionics package. Yes, you will get airframe wiring with another kit, the finish kit I believe. Regardless of the avionics that you buy, you can use the Van's supplied wires. Plus, add a few more of your own for future options. The main disadvantage to the control board is that if it breaks, you have to send it back to Van's or have an avionics shop repair it.
I suspect it might take weeks to design and wire your own panel compared to a few days using Van's plug & play avionics package. And Van's Aircraft has already setup and programmed all of the avionics to interface with each other. But if you draw a schematic and wire the panel yourself, it will be easy for you to repair it if needed.