Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
Copied from Dougs comments on the VAF front page.

"There's always a little tickle of a thought in the back of my head saying, "What have you screwed up by accident and won?t discover for a week?"

This is pretty much how I review my days working on the plane. I relax, and mentally go back over things done, looking for items missed, or ????? Sometimes, I do it many times a day, as I finish a task.

Amazing how much a person can see in hindsight.

Also, this exercise will help you to develop the plan for the next step in your build.

This was pretty much a routine thing after a call, back in the days when I was still at the fire dept.

Give it a try.
Also, while building and making a "minor" mistake, fixing it and going on, how many times have you sat back in the easy chair with the remote in one hand and a beer in the other, when that haunting feeling comes over you that you really don't like the way you fixed that mistake after all....