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Legacy Member
Follow up to the How important was the existence of VAF in your decision".... thread.

In a previous thread (can be found HERE) I had been about to respond to the following when it was (justifiably) closed. Since then I have been dealing with a minor medical issue recovery so just now getting the chance.

Well, what ColoRV did in fact say was (and I'm quoting him verbatim):

"If you look at it from the other side, I suspect Vans could very well wish this forum didn't exist".

"Every time I've spoken to Vans tech support and mention this forum, they have very strong opinions that seem to differ from yours as to the value of it."

Scott, are you saying that these comment are "100% right on". Are you saying that Vans has low regard for VAF and perhaps even wishes this forum didn't exist. Surely not.

Things that are put in writing can be easily misinterpreted without context, and since I didn’t take the time to address each comment individually in detail when I wrote -
“In fact what he did say was pretty much 100% right on“

Note I did say "pretty much"..... but these questions deserve a response so as to avoid any confusion…..

Van’s has a great working relationship with Doug and I think it is safe to say that he and all of the staff at Van’s are good friends.

Van’s also fully understands the value provided by the VAF forums and the rest of the web site.

Having said that, there are days when just one single post in the forums from a well-meaning forum member can start a frenzy that overwhelms the tech support department with calls and e-mails. This can sometimes go on for days afterward. In most cases it is for something that was not even an issue in the first place, or some piece of information provided publically that is just plain wrong.
Yes, when this occurs there is frustration and reflection on whether the positive benefits of the forums outweigh the negative…………

So the short answer is Yes…. At times, people at Van’s feel that way.

To avoid restarting the downward spiral I request that a moderator close this thread please.

[ed. I 'heart' Scott and the rest of the gang at the mothership ;^). v/r,dr]
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