
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
First, though, remember that this app is in beta and only stores data for 24 hours. If you read this past 9am Friday Dallas time you might not see anything. In a week or so the beta app will track your last 7 days and in about a month I'm told it will track the previous 30 days.

OK, back to tracking....

Susie and I flew down to Waco today in our RV-6 to attend a funeral (Susie's sister-in-law's Mom - really nice lady). Anyway, we had the SPOT unit on so we could play with this new online 'share' link.

If you would like to see where we went, you can go HERE. Remember, the data drops off in 24hrs, so look quick.

One quirk I've found is you have to 'grab' the map and move it slightly to get the track line to appear.

It only reports every ten minutes (not as often as APRS), but it gets good data when you're on the ground.


...One quirk I've found is you have to 'grab' the map and move it slightly to get the track line to appear...
Data point.

For my setup, Mac and Firefox, no jostling is necessary, the track line shows up all the time.

Doug, Your track comes up dead center on the map for me.
Which is most usefull, APRS or Spot?
Just in case I get interested.

Mel Bowden N728M 62 Hrs.
Yerington, Nv.
Doug, Your track comes up dead center on the map for me.
Which is most usefull, APRS or Spot?
Just in case I get interested.

Mel Bowden N728M 62 Hrs.
Yerington, Nv.

Ok Doug, think this one will reach the status of "prime, or no prime"? :D

Mel, there is tons of info already in the forum on the pros and cons of both systems. Run a search on "Spot", and also read the many topics in the APRS Forum. I doubt you are going to get a consensus on this one. :)
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I'm with Sam :).

I like how APRS gives a MUCH more detailed track, but SPOT will work in the deep backcountry strips in Idaho (where APRS won't).

Man, I just don't know....I think the best answer is to have both (not kidding).

You are right on

Thanks guys. Maybe both would be safe. I live about ten miles from the Flying M where Foster was last seen and there are miles of rough country around here in all directions. Not sure if APRS would work good here.
Since we fly in the mountains mostly, anything would be better than the ELT.
Cheers, Mel