
Well Known Member
Ever since I started riveting the fuselage together I've had to work in the garage rather than my nice, cool, organized basement shop. Well, the disorganization was really getting to me, so I decided to build a workbench in the garage to at least have a work surface to use. Problem is...our garage is barely big enough for her car and the airplane, so where am I gonna put this bench? I finally decided on a long, skinny folding design that mounts to the wall. After the RV is done, I can just pivot it up and out of the way to get my car back in, or pivot it back down if Kerin wants to do some potting or whatnot.

Thought someone else who is working in cramped quarters might find the concept useful:

The bench is 18" wide and 8' long.

This is partway pivoted up against the wall. Note the four-bar linkage to keep the legs nice and straight.

All tucked away against the wall:

A simple wood puck holds 'er in place.

I had an old set of door hinges, and I inherited my dad's habit of holding on to leftover wood, so the only thing I had to purchase was the 1/4 inch bolts at the linkage pivot points. Total cost: $7. :D

Happy building.