
Well Known Member
So, I live at 50F (Bourland Field), just SW of Fort Worth, TX. We have always had folks running FOD patrol, up and down our runway, typically once a day. Also included within our airpark, are some 6-8 (+/-) remaining lots. As such, as building occurs on the new homes/hangars, the contractors are CONSTANTLY dropping nails and other construction debris from their trailers. We have had dozens of flats within our community lately. The problem? We didn't have a FOD removal magnet. Searching online, there are tons of commercially available units, but they are very pricey. The solution? Build one, even better than the ones we saw online! A neighbor buddy of mine / SWA pilot / RV-4 driver, decided to take the lead on this project. I'd just rebuilt the airport tetrahedron, so I gladly donated the steel for my buddy to take this project. The FOD DESTROYER 1000 (lol) utilizes five of the Harbor Freight 30" STRONG magnetic sweepers. When my buddy Chris had depleted all of the 'local' HF stores of their magnetic sweepers, he still needed two more, along with a couple of pneumatic casters. We located two more in Mineral Wells, and low and behold, that local airport had a courtesy car! The problem was that it would have been really tight loading up the Mineral Wells HF magnets in Chris' RV-4, so we decided to take my C-182. From wheels up at 50F, we made it to Mineral Wells, to the HF, and back, all within an hour and a half. Then? Christopher worked his magic. This bad boy utilizes FIVE of the HF 30" magnetic sweepers, strategically mounted in a 10' wide array. This sucker covers a 10' swath, in one single pass! It's easily towed behind any of the neighborhood golf carts, side x side utility vehicles, etc. After completely dismantling the HF rolling magnets, Christopher then mounted the magnets to the structure, using eye bolts and adjustable turn buckles. The design is phenomenal, and I figured many of you that live in airport communities and/or have your RV's at a busy airport, may be interested. The little square boxes that he welded in behind the wheels? Those are little kickstands, if you will, so that the device easily stores in a vertical position, and stands up against a hangar wall for storage. I believe he said that all in, he was at about $300 in materials (without factoring in the steel I gladly donated). That's peanuts when you consider how many flats have recently occurred at 50F. For your viewing pleasure, may I kindly present the FOD DESTROYER 1000:

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Gary, I like it!

Tell Ron he should check the magnets on the regular basis to reclaim his PK screws ;)
Very cool! It will be interesting to see what you guys pick up. Might be fun to collect the FOD in a big glass jar.
I like it! The only problem is….there is lots of non-magnetic FOD. I say that as a builder of a coupe fo pulled-rivet airplane - I got tired of policing the shop and hangar floor for mandrel, and bought one fo the HF magnetic sweepers, only to realize that - DUH! - the mandrel of the Cheery rivets commonly used are stainless……
