
Well Known Member
What are you guys putting under the fuel/break lines in the center forward floor section? Instructions say put foam, but I was thinking about some sound proofing material instead (any recommendations?) Would that work? If foam is better -- what exactly are you guys putting?
I used super soundproofing foam from ACS.

Vern Little, -9A

Better trial fit the center cover before adding insulation that is thicker than 1/4". The center cover when fitted is real close to flush with the top of the angle that runs fore and aft.

I used the same stuff, placing 3/8" under the tubing and another 3/8" over the top of the tubing. The cover fit just fine.

I used 3/4" on the floor adjacent to the tunnel and placed carpet over the whole floor.

The instructions appeared to me to suggest foam blocks to SEPARATE the lines. Will the ACS material under and over the lines do that? Or should there also be, for example, a styrofoam block or something tucked in there?

If you do as Roberta and I have, )place 3/8" to 1/2" foam above and below the lines) and then screw the cover on and then come back in a week and remove it, you will find all the lines have created their own 'tracks' in the foam and it will be apparent that there is no way they will be able to move sideways in the foam.
PS Squeezed

I should have specified "SOFT thermal/acoustic insulating foam", not hard styro-foam. I would recommend you use the Fire Retardent type from ACS
Insulation Linl

I got mine from Geobeck.

Go to their website and click on 'Product Index, then 'Insulation.'

I know others have got it from ACS but I can never find it on there website.

Just to update this thread a little bit. The plans for the 7 (DWG 36A) show two foam "blocks" spaced, I'd guess, a foot apart. But in this thread, it kinda sounds like folks are running the soundproofing foam down the entire length of the floor. $14.60 a foot at Aircraft Spruce. Ouch. Is that what folks are doing?
I just recieved an order of 3/8 thickness Friday. Spruce P/N 09-42723 comes in a sheet 49 inches by 12.5 inches for $11.85. It doesn't have adhesive so pick up a can of your favorite spray adhesive.

Bob Collins said:
Just to update this thread a little bit. The plans for the 7 (DWG 36A) show two foam "blocks" spaced, I'd guess, a foot apart. But in this thread, it kinda sounds like folks are running the soundproofing foam down the entire length of the floor. $14.60 a foot at Aircraft Spruce. Ouch. Is that what folks are doing?
Hello? Anyone?
I tried Great Stuff. Made a simple mold to cleco around the line, filled it with Great Stuff, and cut the top off when hard.

I even took some hard stuff out to the garage and soaked it in gas overnight. It seemed to hold up ok.

The mold was the same height as the inside of the tunel cover so I just ran a hack saw blade along the top of the mold so it would come out the right height.
It's never to late to make a change...

N941WR said:
I tried Great Stuff. Made a simple mold to cleco around the line, filled it with Great Stuff, and cut the top off when hard.

I even took some hard stuff out to the garage and soaked it in gas overnight. It seemed to hold up ok.

The mold was the same height as the inside of the tunel cover so I just ran a hack saw blade along the top of the mold so it would come out the right height.

Darn! I just received my foam pad from Spruce, but this looks like a better (lighter) system. Bill is this fire safe?
