
Well Known Member
I don't know if this is an appropriate place to post this question, but a lot of you have probably dealt with the problem I am having, so if any of you have experience with this, it would be great to hear from you via posting here or e-mailing me at [email protected]

We just had some hangars built to hangar our RVs (or future RVs as in my case). They are all steel and 40' x 54' and 18' tall. I have run a 22" steel I beam the 40' length (8' high) and will have an area that is 40' x 12' that is kind of like an efficience apartment (loft).

The questions are: the FM (and AM?) reception is absolutely horrible. I have heard various "techniques" to remedy it, but I am almost done with the framing, and want to solve this problem before I go on (ie run wires or antennas). I can put one on the roof as long as it is low profile, but don't know if it's better to just have an inside on. I have done a lot of web-research, but haven't come up with an idea or antenna that seems to have more pros than cons. Was also going to do the same with a TV antenna, since I will not have cable or satellite (just local). Probably go with a HD TV.

Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch. Dave:cool:
A signal blocker..

......is what my hangar is also. I went to Radio Shack and bought an FM antenna and mounted it to a length of PVC pipe and u-blots to an upright in the hangar, through the roof overhang and above the roof by three feet. Works really great because of the height. We mounted a TV antenna, not a dish, just regular channels. Works great.

Antennas belong outside, not inside.

You can forget about getting a usable signal INSIDE the metal hangar. Like Pierre said, put the antennas outside on the roof. Use RG-6 cable, not RG-59 cable.

I have been in the Cable TV, satellite, and fiber optics communications industry since 1971. Understanding electromagnetic communications and laser communications is how I pay the rent, RV-9A fuel, etc.