
Active Member
I just purchased an RV8 Kit that included a set of the Flymore seats. The seller told me that Flymore does not provide any instrucions for the installation other than the pictures on their web page, which are not very descriptive.

Has anyone here actually installed a set of these seats or know of anyone who has? I really like the seats but I am not sure that I feel comfortable desiging my own attach brackets for something as important as seats.

Thanks in advance,
So it looks like no one in the US has knowledge of these seats. Are there any of the Australian members that know anything about thems? Any help would be appreciated.

Flymore seats

You could try and contact Julio Tonion who has these seats in his -8. Phone is +61 408 772 828. In a recent local flying mag story I recall he said it took him a couple of weeks to install the seats.

I was interested in these seats for my -8A until I spoke to some people who had used them at the SAAA fly-in at Wagga a couple of years ago. The view was that they were more trouble than they were worth. Took a lot of work to fit & front seat width interfered with the canopy & reduced the rear-seat passenger leg room & access.

I went with the standard seats & Oregon Aero cushions.

All hearsay FWIW

John Moody
Be careful


I came very close to buying some or making my own. Decided too much $$ and work for me. Make sure you consider carefully where to attach them. Because.... Van's designed the seat to crush and absorb impact. Carbon/Kevlar is very stiff and will transmit the loads staright to your back. I know none of us are planning to crash but make sure you keep this in mind when you engineer the attachment.
Contact for Jon Johanson at Flymore


Top work out time difference

Flymore Pty Ltd
ABN: 98 005 157 059

For orders and pricing:

Contact Jon direct for the best prices on any of the products or services listed.

Company Director: Jon Johanson

Email: [email protected]

International Telephone: 61 419 554 656
Phone: 61 8 8555 4251
Fax: 61 8 8555 4035

Australian customers: 0419 554 656
Phone: 08 8555 4251

Postal Address:
Hanger 1,
Goolwa Airport
South Australia 5214
rjtjrt said:
Contact for Jon Johanson at Flymore


Top work out time difference

Flymore Pty Ltd
ABN: 98 005 157 059

For orders and pricing:

Contact Jon direct for the best prices on any of the products or services listed.

Company Director: Jon Johanson

Email: [email protected]

International Telephone: 61 419 554 656
Phone: 61 8 8555 4251
Fax: 61 8 8555 4035

Australian customers: 0419 554 656
Phone: 08 8555 4251

Postal Address:
Hanger 1,
Goolwa Airport
South Australia 5214
Thanks everyone for your input. It looks like these may be more hassle than they are worth. I should probably put them on ebay to see if I can get anything out of them from the automotive racing crowd.

I tried sending an email to flymore but all I got back was an estimate for the cost, no help on the installation beyond what was pictured on the website. The previous owner had done some work on designing his own mounts but I was not satisfied with the interference it would have cause for the passenger.
