
Well Known Member
2016 was a great year of flying. Probably the best I've ever had since I started flying my RV9A five years ago. 752 hobbs hours logged in 2016 with total over 3K on engine/airframe. Many interesting places visited.

Barter Island, Barrow the Top of the World in Alaska.


British Columbia and Yukon.


Pacific Ocean beach.


The Great Wall with Mexico.


The French enclave of St. Pierre and Miquelon.


Newfoundland and Labrador.


And everywhere in between. There won't be so many flying hours anymore. Time for austerity measures. Happy 2017 everyone!

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Impressive! I think you qualify as the most interesting man in the RV world.

Safe travels in 2017!
Vlad, you are the man. And I definitely need to get out more and quit sitting around reading about your trips. :)
Adventures of Vlad

And everywhere in between. There won't be so many flying hours anymore. Time for austerity measures. Happy 2017 everyone!

I knew you had spent some pocket change on AV gas when you departed for Alaska, then came talk of another engine so I understand the need for austerity, BUT;

We are all living vicariously through the adventures of Vlad. What are we to do without the entertainment of well planned and executed travels?
God speed Vlad!
Wow! That is more hours then my work job and my RV put together!

Glad you made Naples one of your stops.

Happy New Year Vlad!

2016 was a great year of flying. Probably the best I've ever had since I started flying my RV9A five years ago. 752 hobbs hours logged in 2016 with total over 3K on engine/airframe. Many interesting places visited.

And everywhere in between. There won't be so many flying hours anymore. Time for austerity measures. Happy 2017 everyone!


I read you stopped at Half Moon Bay as well, or was that 2015?

Austerity measures indeed. What about the Australia trip?

Best wishes in 2017.

Vlad you set the bar pretty high. Good for you and what a world we live in when we can build our own airplanes, and fly them like this. Your an inspiration to many. I was happy with 150 hours and three countries. :mad:

To all of my flying brothers and sisters, fly on and may 2017 be a safe and amazing year for all.

Austere year?


I'm curious what an austere flying year will be like for you? 200 hrs. Seriously thanks for documenting your amazing flying adventures!

Fly safe my friend,
You're the Marathon Man, Vlad. Kudos.

I guess at 950-some hours in 18 years of having a plane in my back yard, I'm more or less "bringing up the rear."

In thirty years, when I get the -10 finished, I will be a retired nonogenarian, and I'll give chase - perhaps overtake you :D In the mean time, I will have logged more hours on my runway (albeit on a riding mower) than you could ever hope to log in your 9A. So there.
Congrats Vlad!!!! All I can add is that I'd like to have a branch of your money tree :) Rosie
Congratulations Vlad! That is truly incredible.
I've really enjoyed your trip reports.

Sorry I missed you at KCLW, when low & behold, you were parked there on the ramp one Sunday morning, when I went out to fly on my 90 hour double digit year.:D
Congratulations!!! I can tell that you enjoy every of those 752 hours. What most important is not the number of hours you have flown but the places you have been to and friends you have met. Continue enjoying your flying and hope to see you soon.
It's all true

Hi All, This is my first time ever posting on VAF. I just want to tell everyone that I accompanied Vlad on the Massachusetts to Alaska portion of the adventure. I was flying my RV6. It was more than an adventure of a lifetime.
Words cannot describe. We both will be telling stories about it until we die.
Vlad and I are lucky in more ways than we will ever admit to......
It's all true. Chip D.
Vlad, you are definitely the man. What an amazing year. Thanks for sharing and keeping those of us that are still pounding rivets inspired.
Beyond the possible sources of fuel and oil, and time; the ability to work around at least a couple of other commitments, and weather hurdles > it is apparent that most of us live to fly, Vlad flies to live.
Thanks so much for keeping all the juices flowing for the rest of us. Have a great 2017
I really hope you compile your airborne adventures into a book. I haven't read all your posts yet... but I know I must. They provide some pretty fantastic inspiration. You should be very proud of your accomplishments. They are nothing less than amazing.
Incredible amount of self piloting hours, amazing adventures!

Your epic journey around the USA and up and back from Alaska had me telling my coworkers and friends about your adventure, in amazement!

Now to try to comprehend that you flew for 752 hours during one year, is further adding to my admiration of your flying in a RV-9A. The multiple off field landings and low ceiling flying makes those of us who have never done such things, wonder how it is possible, to survive!

Take care, and please keep sharing your adventures with us mere mortals.

That's just amazing Vlad. Also glad to see the engine pre-heater is getting good use! I hope to pick-up and engine soon.

All the best for 2017,

Flying 750 Hours in switzerland using Only 9 gallon / hour will be 60K only for fuel... 😭
Very impressive Vlad! I'm jalous! 😉