
Well Known Member
has anyone ever flown an RV-12 with the cowl removed? I’m doing fiberglass work on a new cowl here and thought I’d take a short hop without it, but I hesitate, fearing the tail may be awash in turbulence, possibly causing control issues. Has anyone done this?
I just want to know if it's been done and how did the airplane behave. If I'm gonna be first, then I won't do it. :D
I've seen Jonas Marcinko do that a few times. Which is probably a good reason not to do it....
I think the cowling is designed with the intake plenum which helps to cool the engine.

Aside from knowing the oil cooler would be hanging precariously, the bigger concern may be possible carb icing. Without the cowling in place the carbs won't receive any warm air from the coolant radiator as they do when the cowling is in place.