
I enjoyed the vid. I love the short final when it seems like you are just hovering above the approach end as the numbers slowly get nearer. Yep, that's a 9. Did you get it painted yet?
Loved It!

Great vid Roger! 40 below zero windhill in Minne tonight. Good night to work on the nose gear SB........

Looked warmer in Phoenix!


I'm planning on flying to Chicago, La Crosse and possibly Winona the first week in July. As the time gets closer we will have to see if we can?t hook up.
Are there any fly-ins around that time?

Sorry to hear about the rotten weather. Besides a little rain here it's great flying weather.

Keep on that nose gear you are bound to have a nice 30deg day soon.

You still working for Honeywell? I am still here (five-years)...traveling the globe like a wild man.

Was just curious. We had our National Sales Meeting (Honeywell Security & Custom Electronics) last week, and I heard a bunch of people got laid off in Phoenix. Isn't that where most of the aerospace SBU is out of?

Take care,
Come on Up!


That sounds like a plan. I finished the nose wheel tonight. I need to run the engine to check for leaks after the oil change, and then button her up.
Beautiful paint job Roger! I must have seen the original post of the picture since I am on VAF so much. What a wonderful plane the 9 is. :)
I am planning a trip out to San Diego in June and can't wait to overfly some of that gorgeous scenery in the southwest. Driving through it is incredible, flying must be breathtaking.


Yes HON is very big in PHX. Avionics, Engines, Controls. I'm still with them and no layoffs that I am aware of.

Thanks for the update, Roger. Glad to hear both you and I are still supporting our stockholders!

Not sure which division they actually meant (ie: layoffs), but sure glad you are still around. Hey, we had a record year, according to Mr. Cote! Nice!

I sure love your completed plane!

Fly safe,