
Well Known Member
As the father of 3 older girls who have all spent their fair share of time around airplanes with dad, my lil' dude takes the cake. Part of it is the "engine sounds" he makes after we make the familiar turn to the airport, not sure if it's a lycoming or the V8 in his Cozy Coupe.


While strapped in and not being able to see outside he passes the time checking for rivet flushness and hole edge deburring...


He's also pretty serious about recording accurate cowling pressures with the manometer.


Pedal Planes at various airports probably top his list, but dad gets a little nervous about him taxiing into airplanes.



My little Captain taking it all in....I'm a lucky dad!


Thanks for the great pics and memories.

My son was 5yo when I took him for his first flight. We went to a nearby airfield that didn't have a level spot anywhere so I made sure to chock the wheels. We had an ice cream and looked at the other airplanes on the field. As I was about to start the engine my son say "hey day - shouldn't you remove the wheel chocks first?".... He's going to be 30yo in December and he still routinely reminds me of that day :D
My grandson's Christmas present!

I got this done just in time for Christmas. He loves it!! :)

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