
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,
Took the 8 out for some fun today, what a bright crisp day although a wee bit on the breezy side. No particular place in mind just went out and enjoyed what the RV has to offer:) left S37 and flew out to Altoona, PA buzzed around the valleys out there, from there down towards Harpers Ferry, WV and over towards Winchester VA. Turned towards home and decided to climb up and get over the scattered layer and ended up at 10500' man oh man I wish I had a camera I was only pulling 20.5" and turning 2350rpm but had ground speeds of 239kts it was awesome!!
Anyway headed back to S37 and did a nice big ole victory roll to celebrate a great flying day and did a not half bad crosswind landing back at the home aerodrome. Wiped my sweet Dakota Queen(the airplane;) and tucked her away in the hangar waiting on our next flight.
And as I pulled out of the airport I stopped and watched a beautiful Waco takeoff and roar overhead, what a cool way to spend a day!!
Hope all is well with everyone else!
Kirk RV-8 "Dakota Queen"
I hear you. After a looong weekend working on the RV I took my friend's Cessna 140 up just before dark. It was one of those windless fall evenings and there wasn't a ripple in the air. Tooled around a bit then came back and did several touch and gos. Trimmed out it would just float down final hands off and just took a little nudge of elevator for some pure grease. A very enjoyable end to the day. Don

Yesterday was a good flying day in Missouri too. October has always been my favorite month and "Darla!"and I shared an hour together soaring the blue with effortless abandon. One minute we were cruising along near the haze layer at 6500' and in the next we decided to swoop down and do a low level run over the length of Mark Twain Lake before heading for home.

You may not know this but after many months of indecision and backpedaling it was YOU that ultimately convinced me to finally and irrevocably commit to building an -8 rather than 8A. With ZERO taildragger hours in my logbook, I'll deal with that little detail later but a more important priority for now is to find a name for the new bird as compelling as is your sweet "Dakota Queen." :)

Gotta love those flights for no particular reason. This past Friday I left work early to go play amongst the clouds which were at about 3500msl.
Some Greatful Dead on the XM fit perfectly with this.
I would be interested in what some folks use as an excuse to go flying besides the usual "going somewhere" or "nice weather" excuse.
One of my recent justifications for going flying was to ops check my floor mats! I just put velcro in to hold them in place from bunching up.

Ops check GOOD.
The whole weekend was terrific. I finally brought our CT back to ADS on Saturday from Alliance, NE, where it had been riding out the combination of bad WX and pilots with bad work schedules. Made it back to ADS with several en-route stops to see people. Just over 30 gal and 6 hr on the Hobbs. Sky clear and tailwinds once I got to McCook, NE. A million-dollar day....


And yes, the trip would have been faster in a RV :)