David Paule

Well Known Member
I asked WingX and Foreflight (I have both right now) if there were a way to see the path of the eclipse with airports, too, so I can determine where I'd like to try to see it. WingX had nothing like that. Foreflight did, though, and gave me permission to post their response:


I have attached a KLM file showing the path of totality, from a file created by Xavier Jubier (see http://xjubier.free.fr/en/site_pages/SolarEclipsesGoogleEarth.html). You can also get an interactive Google Map (not usable in ForeFlight Mobile, but still very useful for eclipse viewing planning) at http://www.eclipse2017.org/xavier_redirect.htm.

You can import the KML file into ForeFlight Mobile 9.0.1 via the process here: https://foreflight.com/support/user-map-shapes/

Then you can see which airports will be in or near the eclipse.

Be sure to use proper eye protection, and happy viewing!


Josh Berman
Pilot Support Team
[email protected]


I have tried this and it works well.

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I'll be in CO for the eclipse; my brother is running the Leadville 100 the weekend before, and I'm crewing / pacing him for the last bit.

My plan was to fly out in the -10 and base out of KAEJ (we have a cabin west of there), and then figure out where to fly to see the eclipse.

This is a cool resource!

Already bought the glasses and taking the day off from work. Plan to be flying during the eclipse. This was one of my motivations for getting my IFR currency.

Thanks for posting, David.

I'll be in CO for the eclipse; my brother is running the Leadville 100 the weekend before, and I'm crewing / pacing him for the last bit.

My plan was to fly out in the -10 and base out of KAEJ (we have a cabin west of there), and then figure out where to fly to see the eclipse.

This is a cool resource!


Great place to see the eclipse.
I've run the LT100 twice and received the < 25hr big boy buckle. I hope he gets one.

Next mission is for me to fly in.
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I suggest being on the ground if possible. Airborne you miss some things, like the birds singing at "dawn". And you really shouldn't be PIC while wearing eclipse glasses, which are so dark that you can see nothing but the sun! OTOH, many places are already booked full, despite the high prices. We're going to John Day, OR: "campsite" (just a 20x20' piece of ground) reservation $165; tie down reservation $100. As of 6 months ago tie downs were still available but I have not checked since then.