
Well Known Member
Just a tip for fellow RVers.

Whomever is flying to Sun-n-Fun, you'd be best to avoid Hernando County Airport, KBKV. Great airport, lousy FBO, American Aviation.

Great fuel prices available within 25 miles.
Try X35 Dunnellon, X05 Pilot Country, & KZPH Zephyrhills, you'll save $1/gal on fuel.

I had a nose gear flat on my 7A 2 months ago, the fbo, American Aviation charged me $100 to tow me back about 200 yards. I rent a hangar from them for $280/month. I just gave them a 2 weeks notice to move to another hangar at the airport, they're refusing to give me my $250 security deposit because they want 30 days notice.
They have a hangar waiting list of people who've been on the list > 1 year.

I went to write this up on AirNav, but there was a notice on AirNav saying they can't add comments at the request of American Aviation. Gee, I wonder why?
DanLandry said:
Just a tip for fellow RVers.

Whomever is flying to Sun-n-Fun, you'd be best to avoid Hernando County Airport, KBKV. Great airport, lousy FBO, American Aviation.

Great fuel prices available within 25 miles.
Try X35 Dunnellon, X05 Pilot Country, & KZPH Zephyrhills, you'll save $1/gal on fuel.

I had a nose gear flat on my 7A 2 months ago, the fbo, American Aviation charged me $100 to tow me back about 200 yards. I rent a hangar from them for $280/month. I just gave them a 2 weeks notice to move to another hangar at the airport, they're refusing to give me my $250 security deposit because they want 30 days notice.
They have a hangar waiting list of people who've been on the list > 1 year.

I went to write this up on AirNav, but there was a notice on AirNav saying they can't add comments at the request of American Aviation. Gee, I wonder why?

I knew the gas prices were high and I knew it was often quite difficult to get a response when calling UNICOM but $100 to tow a "local customer" 200 yards!

Next time I stop in there, if I get a flat, I guess I will pull it by hand. :)

By the way, did you move to a larger/newer/shared hangar???? I have a friend who is considering putting an RV there (close to his home).

James (the red and white RV6 you saw visiting)
jclark said:

I knew the gas prices were high and I knew it was often quite difficult to get a response when calling UNICOM but $100 to tow a "local customer" 200 yards!

Next time I stop in there, if I get a flat, I guess I will pull it by hand. :)

By the way, did you move to a larger/newer/shared hangar???? I have a friend who is considering putting an RV there (close to his home).

James (the red and white RV6 you saw visiting)

Hi James,
I remember you an your RV.
I was over at hangar 7 in the first row.
I'm moving to the new county hangars at the approach end of 03.
Same price($280 incs tax), but they are beautiful.

In fact, if anybody wants to store their RV overnight while going in or out during Sun-n-Fun, they're welcome to do so. No charge, first come first serve.
I figure, if the fbo is not going to give me back my $250, I'll keep the hangar for another month and not let them double bill.

I learned to fly at BKV back in 96-97 and used to keep a KR2 there. My instructor was Pete Ayer but he worked for the other FBO at the time. We lived in Brooksville for 8 years and will be stopping there the week of Sun-N-Fun. We still have lots of friends that live there, so we will be visiting. Then its on to Grand Turk with a group of 8 RV'S. If time allows I want to go to Sun N Fun on Thursday.

I will take you up on your offer to store my 9A if it's still available. We hope to be at BKV on Sunday the 15th through Friday the 20th. I have a car reserved through Enterprise that will be left at American Aviation.

BTW where IS the best place to buy gas down there now?
Lake City Municipal LCQ

Every one flying down to S & F Is welcome to stop at LCQ current 100ll is 3.43 and we will be having a S&F discount, and if you come around lunch time
FREE Hot Dogs with the fixin's -- Same thing on the way back.
More than glad to have you
LCQ 10/28 8000' 5/23 4000'
CTAF 119.2 UNICOM 122.7 GND CON 121.9 Tower M to F 8:30-4:00
When tower closed talk tower freq -119.2
Come on down and meet Johanthon,Bob,Woody,Deb and Donny
See you then
Has anyone written to the FBO to get their side?

Maybe I should have said is everyone GOING to write them like I am doing?

------- insert --------
Subject: Bad Service
Mr. Petrick:

I just read about bad service from your company. I would like to hear your side on what I read.
Flying to Sun-n-Fun avoid American Aviation at KBKV Just a tip for fellow RVers.

Whomever is flying to Sun-n-Fun, you'd be best to avoid Hernando County Airport, KBKV. Great airport, lousy FBO, American Aviation.

Great fuel prices available within 25 miles.
Try X35 Dunnellon, X05 Pilot Country, & KZPH Zephyrhills, you'll save $1/gal on fuel.

I had a nose gear flat on my 7A 2 months ago, the fbo, American Aviation charged me $100 to tow me back about 200 yards. I rent a hangar from them for $280/month. I just gave them a 2 weeks notice to move to another hangar at the airport, they're refusing to give me my $250 security deposit because they want 30 days notice.
They have a hangar waiting list of people who've been on the list > 1 year.

I went to write this up on AirNav, but there was a notice on AirNav saying they can't add comments at the request of American Aviation. Gee, I wonder why?
Gary A. Sobek

When once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
- Leonardo da Vinci
---------- end insert -------
eMail Response from American Aviation

Mr. Sobek

We appreciate feedback from all our customers since it is a great tool in providing better service. Unfortunately, this customer is misstating the facts. If you could please call me or email me your phone number I would be happy to explain to you and Mr Landry our side of the story.

John Petrick 352-796-5173 web site,
RV6_flyer said:
Mr. Sobek

We appreciate feedback from all our customers since it is a great tool in providing better service. Unfortunately, this customer is misstating the facts. If you could please call me or email me your phone number I would be happy to explain to you and Mr Landry our side of the story.

John Petrick 352-796-5173 web site,

Here's my cell# 352-397-5729
I'll give you the tel# of several pilots in our local EAA group that have the same opinion. Ask John why he refuses to let AirNav have people leave comments about their fbo.

The bad service here is a management problem.

The lines & counter people are terrific. Always eager to help.
Management ignored my calls for over a week to fix my hangar door which was jammed and I didn't have access to my airplane. Others have had the same issue. Management also wanted to install video cameras in the paint shop only to back off when the crew didn't show up for work in protest.

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RV6_flyer said:
Mr. Sobek

We appreciate feedback from all our customers since it is a great tool in providing better service. Unfortunately, this customer is misstating the facts. If you could please call me or email me your phone number I would be happy to explain to you and Mr Landry our side of the story.

John Petrick 352-796-5173 web site,

Hmmmm just the fact someone charged 100 dollars to tow an airplane is greatly disturbing to me. When an EAA tech counselor has a list of people to back up his claim about the FBO... I'm inclined to believe the EAA Tech guy and RV6flyer... not to mention the list of people with the same opinion. I WILL call this guy and get the facts. A guy wrecked his plane right in front of me the other night and I stayed late and helped him recover the aircraft and I never charged the guy a penny... even for having it in my personal hanger for 3 days while the FAA did their thing... I figure the last thing a guy needs is a bill after he wrecks his pride and joy with other people on board.
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