Mike Howard

I'm New Here
I am planning on flying to Quebec City this summer.(late June or early July) I am looking for any advice on a place to land where I will be able to get transportation to the old walled part of the city. If I have to go into CYQB how much hastle is it? and how expenxive?
The only other airport that I am aware of is St-Jean Chrysostome (SG4). 3100 ft paved strip south of the city, on the other side of the river. Prior permission required. 418-834-7272. There is apparently fuel, but probably not much in the way of services.

Going into CYQB may be the best choice. More info at:

COPA Places to Fly
St-Jean Chrysostome is an alright place to go but get prior notice because it is primarily used by a parachuting club and they fly ALOT of jumpers (over 300 per day). It is not used frequently as a general aviation airport. Owner is Pierre Nadeau. Call him. 100ll and Jet B available.
You might try St-Lambert-de-L?vis (ST7) where a lot of homebuilts (3-4 RVs in 2006) are based. 2700' grass strip, good condition, no fuel. Quebec City airport is very close by for fuel and easy to get to. While getting to the airport for fuel, you should ask the tower for a "tour de ville" (sightseeing tour). They'll accomodate you.