
Well Known Member
My wife and I are planning a trip up the coast and landing at a couple of spots including Arcata-Eureka Airport (ACV), and Rogue Valley-Medford (MFR). Our main objective is to spend a few days seeing the Redwood National Parks and one or two days seeing Crater Lake. Any advice regarding exactly where to go/ what to see at Redwood National Parks? And Crater Lake? We'll also be stopping by San Jose to see some relatives and planning to fly over Golden Gate Bridge. Never done that before. Any tips? Weather (low ceilings/ fog) is a bit of a concern at ACV and I guess the San Francisco area also. And looking on Skyvector, it seems like there's LOTS of TFR's between/ around ACV and MFR lasting quite some time...
KFOT is closest to the avenue of the giants, and it's up on a bench and more likely than KACV or KEKA to be VFR when you need it, but it will be fogged in many mornings this time of year. Garberville O16 is at the bottom of the avenue and almost certainly will be VFR this time of year.
The TFR's are for fires, they are getting old now and should drop off soon, but if not no problem, go around.
The mail bloats on the Rougue river up at gold beach is good fun.
Flying over the Golden gate is simple, just keep below the class B. A stop in Halfmoon bay is worthwhile, lots of good food within walking distance and some soso food on the airport. Just keep an eye on the marine layer so you don't get stuck there.
A flyover of Crater lake may be better than a drive up unless you want to hike, and my son was just up there last week and said it was pretty smoky.
Have fun!
Tim Andres
Hey there, I'm based at ACV/EKA. Fog will definitely be a factor this time of year. It generally is worst in the AM, clears up mid day, and comes back in the evening. If you are IFR, your best shot is the ILS 32 into ACV. If not, the other airports like EKA and FOT tend to clear up earlier than ACV. Plenty to see around here if you are looking for coastline and trees. I would recommend a trip up the coast towards the Trinidad head and harbor area. Good but rustic restaurant right on the pier called the seascape. There is a nice trail around Trinidad head too depending on how far you want to walk. Up the cost a little bit, Stage Coach Rd has some good views and overlooks. Near the end of state coach you will find Patricks point state park. If you keep driving north from there, Prairie Creek state park has some nice redwood forest with some of the biggest redwoods around, and you are sure to see a herd to two of elk. Don't try to pet the elk!

Depending on how far you want to go, there is plenty to see. Google "Fern Canyon" which is another popular destination at Prairie Creek.

No crew cars around Humboldt. There is a Hertz rental car in the terminal at ACV. Or let me know when you will be here and you are welcome to borrow my older Toyota pickup.

As far as your Crater Lake swing, Million Air in Medford is great. They can arrange a rental car too.
If the wild fires are still bad, it might not be worth the trip, just depends on the wind and location of the fires. While it is nice to fly over, the drive up is beautiful with some great sites like the natural bridge on the Rouge River. Also, the Crater Rim is awe inspiring from the ground. You just can't get the same view from the air, remember it is a National Park so you will be flying high over it to be legal.
Crater Lake Lodge is one of the nations "Great Lodges" and is a must see.
If you still want to fly over it, it is an easy flight from Medford, coming or going.

Good luck with the weather and have fun.
Ashland instead of Medford?

You might consider flying into Ashland instead of Medford. The FBO can arrange a rental car from Enterprise. Ashland is a nice little town (a bit touristy, but for good reason, mostly the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, but also lots of good eats, nice window shopping, a nice arboretum park along the creek)

I would second the comment that it is more spectacular to see Crater Lake from the rim than from the air. If you do decide to see it flying, go around to the east side and look west at the lake, I think that is a great view, and not one you can see from the ground. And although I was a little disappointed in the meal at the lodge, it just seemed like they had an off night - it is still memorable. I've eaten at four of the five great lodges now.

If you have the time, on the drive either up to Crater Lake or coming back, think about driving down the Umpqua river. There are numerous side creeks with spectacular water falls, each one just a short hike in from a parking area. Really breathtaking area.

Also, on the way to or from Crater Lake, you can stop at the little town of Prospect, which has a beautiful old victorian hotel, and a great little airport, with a waterfall right as you come over the numbers to land.

Also there is Diamond Lake and Lake of the Woods, and Mt McLaughlin to see.
On phone so keeping this brief. I just did crater lake into Medford millionair. Best fbo experience yet. Mercedes crew car, expensive mtn bike loaners, showers, soda fountain great. Waived parking fee for gas less than home field. Wow. Rented less expensive hotwire car at terminal. Drive to lake over an hour but nice drive. You'll want car there. Did 4 loops around lake for hiking, star gazing (best place I've ever for it. Sorry alvord desert), boat ride to wizard island. Got tent site in park but next time I'm sleeping out on the rim. Ranger checks only once. My last visit was 20 years ago. Very happy to find the place mostly unchanged which is a relief. Have fun!
Thanks for all the excellent suggestions, guys. My only concern is possibly getting trapped in by the fog. Now I really see the limitation of being a VFR-only pilot/ plane. We are on a tight schedule and must be back on Monday, so a bit hesitant...

Is the coastal fog always an issue in that area or is there a particular time of the year when it's better? I called the airport (ACV) yesterday and the manager said it's been bad the whole week last week. He said it usually clears by afternoon, but last week it stayed IFR all day.

Or we can just skip the Redwoods and just go to Oregon. But we don't want to fly 650miles just to see Crater Lake and nothing else.

My wife is now suggesting maybe we should go to Baja Mexico instead. I just did my first flight down there a few days ago for practice. Easy flying, but the paperwork, electronic filing, preparation and going through Mexican customs was very time consuming.

Anyway, we gotta decide soon. Thanks again guys!
Great suggestion! Do you know if Prospect has ground transportation? If so, it'd be perfect since it's a lot closer to Crater Lake than Ashford or Medford. We definitely want to see Crater Lake from the ground and it'd be nice to not have to drive an hour each way to get there.

You might consider flying into Ashland instead of Medford. The FBO can arrange a rental car from Enterprise. Ashland is a nice little town (a bit touristy, but for good reason, mostly the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, but also lots of good eats, nice window shopping, a nice arboretum park along the creek)

I would second the comment that it is more spectacular to see Crater Lake from the rim than from the air. If you do decide to see it flying, go around to the east side and look west at the lake, I think that is a great view, and not one you can see from the ground. And although I was a little disappointed in the meal at the lodge, it just seemed like they had an off night - it is still memorable. I've eaten at four of the five great lodges now.

If you have the time, on the drive either up to Crater Lake or coming back, think about driving down the Umpqua river. There are numerous side creeks with spectacular water falls, each one just a short hike in from a parking area. Really breathtaking area.

Also, on the way to or from Crater Lake, you can stop at the little town of Prospect, which has a beautiful old victorian hotel, and a great little airport, with a waterfall right as you come over the numbers to land.

Also there is Diamond Lake and Lake of the Woods, and Mt McLaughlin to see.
If you are VFR only, landing at EKA is a much better chance than ACV. Curious who you talked to at ACV since there is no FBO, the airport manager is a female, and none of the county workers are pilots :) Give Northern Air a call at EKA, they are very good at weather reports (707)443-3179


Thanks for all the excellent suggestions, guys. My only concern is possibly getting trapped in by the fog. Now I really see the limitation of being a VFR-only pilot/ plane. We are on a tight schedule and must be back on Monday, so a bit hesitant...

Is the coastal fog always an issue in that area or is there a particular time of the year when it's better? I called the airport (ACV) yesterday and the manager said it's been bad the whole week last week. He said it usually clears by afternoon, but last week it stayed IFR all day.

Or we can just skip the Redwoods and just go to Oregon. But we don't want to fly 650miles just to see Crater Lake and nothing else.

My wife is now suggesting maybe we should go to Baja Mexico instead. I just did my first flight down there a few days ago for practice. Easy flying, but the paperwork, electronic filing, preparation and going through Mexican customs was very time consuming.

Anyway, we gotta decide soon. Thanks again guys!
I called the number listed for airport manager and it was a guy who picked up. And yes, he said there's no FBO there. He didn't sound like a pilot, but just briefed me on the weather and car rentals.

Very gracious of you to offer your car. I will take you up on your offer if we end up landing there. My goal was to be as close to the Park as possible so we don't have to drive back and forth too much. But I guess EKA isn't THAT much further than ACV...

I'll PM you so we can exchange contact info. Thanks!

If you are VFR only, landing at EKA is a much better chance than ACV. Curious who you talked to at ACV since there is no FBO, the airport manager is a female, and none of the county workers are pilots :) Give Northern Air a call at EKA, they are very good at weather reports (707)443-3179


Great suggestion! Do you know if Prospect has ground transportation? If so, it'd be perfect since it's a lot closer to Crater Lake than Ashford or Medford. We definitely want to see Crater Lake from the ground and it'd be nice to not have to drive an hour each way to get there.

Prospect does not have any services. Also, be sure and check the NOTOMs as the airport is currently closed due to firefighting activities.
Thanks for all the excellent suggestions, guys. My only concern is possibly getting trapped in by the fog. Now I really see the limitation of being a VFR-only pilot/ plane. We are on a tight schedule and must be back on Monday,


I hate to be a wet blanket but posts like this make me nervous.
The commercial airlines cannot guarantee to keep a tight schedule. GA, certainly not. An instrument rating can help but is no guarantee. I try to subscribe to, "Time to spare, go by air!"
As previously mentioned, Crater lake may not be feasible due to the fires. If not though, you're heading to a beautiful part of the country!

I would recommend checking out Lucas Lodge, near Agness, OR. It's inland from Gold Beach, and may be less risky if you're concerned about the marine layer (as you should be this time of year!). I haven't been to this lodge personally, but I've spent time in this area and it is beautiful! I've also heard great things about the lodge, and plan on heading there one of these days! http://www.lucaslodgeoregon.com/

I hope you have a great trip!
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We just flew back from Independence (to SoCal) yesterday. In Southern OR the smoke was so thick we had to climb to 17.5 to get on top. It literally was marginal VFR. TFR's everywhere with tops to 11k. It was ugly! Don't look for the fires to be out anytime soon.

On top of that, there was a severe sigmet for Northern CA for a line of T-storms 60 miles wide with tops to 45k! Sure glad we left early enough to miss that...
