Recent postings on flying/landing the RV 8 got me wondering what speeds/configurations/trim/flaps/prop RPM etc you use flying your -14.

Descend settings for RPM/MP/flap say for ex. 500 fpm descent rate?
Speed, settings for downwind, base, short final?
Power off landings or carry some power?

Entry speeds, pitch, G pull for aileron rolls and loops. Tim O wrote a bit on the latter some time ago.

Your feedback much appreciated.
I use numbers from Mike Seager which work well and I've adapted my pattern / approach numbers somewhat from his.

Takeoff full power and RPM. Established in climb and above 700 feet or so, reduce RPM to 2500 and power to 25". Cruise 2300 RPM, 23" (sometimes I'll push that up but little gained for the fuel flow increase).

Approaching the pattern, 2300 RPM/16" which is around 120 - 130Kts. To slow down entering the pattern, power back to 12" or so, hold altitude until indicated airspeed is 100kts, first notch of flaps (-3 to 0 degrees). Either now or established on downwind, I push prop full forward and complete GUMPS check including brake check/fuel pump/mixture.

Entering downwind (or midfield if in pattern after takeoff), trim for 95 kts or so, prop full forward, power to maintain pattern altitude.

Abeam the numbers, second notch (15 degrees) flaps, 1800RPM, trim for 85 kts. This will give you a descent rate of about 500FPM. Turning base, last notch of flaps (30 degrees), trim and maintain 75. Turning final, adjust power to maintain desired glideslope and speed - 75kts. I've gotten comfortable slowing to 70 or so on short final depending on wind.

Some folks will prefer last notch of flaps turning final but I try to fly it tighter so I like to get that out of the way. I fly at a towered field: my "patterns" are often non-standard so I adjust accordingly.
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Try it with an AOA

If you have an AOA calibrated check your AOA, particularly base to final. You may be surprised at your numbers.
RV 14 speeds

Thanks for the feed back.
Some numbers to get going. Needs fine tuning for sure.

Cruise: 23" MP/2300 RPM, Fuel flow 9 GPH. Flaps: minus 3 degrees.
Descending: MP 16"/2300.
Slowing to the pattern: MP 15"/2300/pitch for 110-120 kts then 95 kts.
Abeam the touch down: Throttle to idle, Pitch for 75 kts, Mix rich, Flaps to 15 degrees (as soon as under Vfe 100 kts) and feed the Throttle in to 1800 RPM, trim.
45 degrees: Prop full forward, Flaps to 30 degrees and start descending turn for base leg.
Power closed as RWY made. Fly 75 kts down to leveling out.
Take off: Flaps zero (15 degrees for short or grass), Mix full rich, Prop FWD, WOT. Pitch 12.5 degrees, Vy 95 kts.
Climb out: 25/2500 RPM, Flaps to zero.
Thanks for the feed back.
Some numbers to get going. Needs fine tuning for sure.

Cruise: 23" MP/2300 RPM, Fuel flow 9 GPH. Flaps: minus 3 degrees.
Descending: MP 16"/2300.
Slowing to the pattern: MP 15"/2300/pitch for 110-120 kts then 95 kts.
Abeam the touch down: Throttle to idle, Pitch for 75 kts, Mix rich, Flaps to 15 degrees (as soon as under Vfe 100 kts) and feed the Throttle in to 1800 RPM, trim.
45 degrees: Prop full forward, Flaps to 30 degrees and start descending turn for base leg.
Power closed as RWY made. Fly 75 kts down to leveling out.
Take off: Flaps zero (15 degrees for short or grass), Mix full rich, Prop FWD, WOT. Pitch 12.5 degrees, Vy 95 kts.
Climb out: 25/2500 RPM, Flaps to zero.

Excellent post - I forgot to mention flaps and flap retraction on takeoff. I have switched between around 10 degrees flaps and no flaps on takeoff, still trying to decide which I like better. We have slightly different techniques in pattern but similar power and speed settings. I'm going to try it your way when I get her out of the paint shop...
That 75kts on final really makes a difference. It lands like a butterfly at that speed. I spent my first 50 hours landing too fast.
90 kts downwind flaps 0, 80 kts base flaps 15, 70kts final flaps 30.

Easy peasy with prop and mixture full fwd entering downwind so not a lot of rpm or manifold pressure numbers to memorize. Prop fwd and adjust power to maintain desired speeds.