
Well Known Member
There a LOT of folks now flying the GRT HXr.

I will be doing a presentation on Flying the HXr IFR at the Homebuilders Hangar on Wednesday July 30th at 2:30 p.m until 3:45 p.m.

There is no right or wrong here, just one view point.

I fly over 300 hours a year on the GRT equipment, most of it cross country to shows so I get to play around with it a LOT.

If you are using any of the GRT EFIS systems I think you will find this useful. Come listen and we can share ideas and innovations to make the HXr more user friendly for us all. Hopefully we can all learn something.

Hope to see you there.
Do you think that very much of what you are going to be talking about will be useful to those of stuck in the past----------as original first series screens??
Do you think that very much of what you are going to be talking about will be useful to those of stuck in the past----------as original first series screens??

Mike, I'll have to check with Ben or Katie on that. I know there are similarities between the Sport and HS, but I'm not familiar enough with the first series to give you an answer. I'll get back to you.

The presentation is mostly how to gather and use the info in the system.
Yes. A lot should apply ...

Mike, I'll have to check with Ben or Katie on that. I know there are similarities between the Sport and HS, but I'm not familiar enough with the first series to give you an answer. I'll get back to you.

The presentation is mostly how to gather and use the info in the system.

I plan to be Widget's "wingman" as I assisted with his installation(s).
He and I have flown in my plane that SX's and he has passed on techniques to me that apply.

So, yes, there will be items that apply and I hope to help map from HXr to SX which for the most part will apply to the HX as well as earlier systems.

I run into Widget now and again. He always teaches me something about the HXr. Talking amongst pilots about how to's, and uses, I always seems to learn something. Will be a great seminar.
Single Screen IFR

Would you recommend flying IFR with a single HXr and a Mini-AP as backup?
Looking forward to your presentation.
Would you recommend flying IFR with a single HXr and a Mini-AP as backup?
Looking forward to your presentation.

Absolutely,,however, you have the bases covered with redundant ADHRS indications but I would want to make sure I had the electrical backup covered.

Everyone should have personal minimums for equipment and weather.
Absolutely,,however, you have the bases covered with redundant ADHRS indications but I would want to make sure I had the electrical backup covered.

Everyone should have personal minimums for equipment and weather.

Planning on upgrading from auto fuses to VP-x Pro. Still researching 2nd battery and/or 2nd alternator. Leaning toward B&C Alt on vac pump pad. Will also have the backup battery on the HXr.
Thanks for your input.
Mike, I'll have to check with Ben or Katie on that. I know there are similarities between the Sport and HS, but I'm not familiar enough with the first series to give you an answer. I'll get back to you.

The presentation is mostly how to gather and use the info in the system.

Hi Mike,

A lot of the bare-bones functionality crosses over between the HXr and the HS/WS, such as loading approaches, entering flight plans & waypoints, airport/facilities info, and autopilot controls and indications. Your AHRS and power input wiring are also the same. So, if you have the time I think you'll probably get a lot out of it. You might walk away wanting to chop a bigger hole in your instrument panel, but that's OK. :eek:

We're really excited about Widget's presentation. If you've always wanted to know how the pros fly, Widget is the guy to ask. If there's one place I have to go all week, that's it. Well maybe Ben's presentation too... He is doing a presentation on GRT Avionics Installation Tips on Thursday, same time, same place. Oh, and I can't forget our date with the Beer Fairy!
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You might walk away wanting to chop a bigger hole in your instrument panel, but that's OK. :eek:

Been wanting to do that for quite a while now, just hard to justify the $$$ when the old stuff is working just fine.

Besides, need the spare change for the S12;)
Mark your calendars!

One week to go.

Hope to have a good turn out of GRT users..

Wednesday the 30th at 2:30 in the home builders hangar.
I tried to record Widget's forum, but it was an epic-fail on my part. He is working on a voice-over for his slides.
I tried to record Widget's forum, but it was an epic-fail on my part. He is working on a voice-over for his slides.


Please let us know when that is available. I have a feeling that I am using only a portion of what my HXr could be doing....
Videos are Up!

A huge THANK YOU to Widget for all his hard work on this! I finally got the slides converted to something usable for YouTube.

This is an hour and 40 minutes of pure knowledge from a guy who uses the HXr alot for IFR. It's split up into 5 parts on our YouTube channel. Here's the link to the playlist. Take notes!