
Well Known Member
I had some trouble with the screws that hold my spinner dome digging through the dome.

The spinner is on it's way back to the manufacturer where they'll be building me a new dome, but now I'm spinnerless! The manufacturer told me I could fly without the spinner and obviously, I see all kinds of planes without spinners. The propeller is a constant speed.

My question is specifically, is there anything to be concerned about with the RV-8?

Will it effect the cooling? Will too much air enter without the spinner on?

Don't want to do anything stupid. Opinions clearly being sought! Thanks!

I had a similar situation with my 8. Took the spinner off and did a test flight with it off and found out I couldn't tell any differences in temps (it was not a Texas summer day!). Put a note in the logbook that the spinner had been removed and the plane had been test flown without spinner and all systems were okay.

I flew my biplane around without a spinner, when I finally put it on, I didn't notice any speed increase. I think some planes, the spinner could help with cooling by smoothing air into the cowl, but I don't think you'll see much difference. Do you have CHT probes?
Our 7 crossed the US spinnerless - the cone that is - and for a time thereafter with no noticeable changes in speeds or temps. Removing the backplate, however, did affect cooling air distribution such that climb temps elevated a bit quicker and somewhat wider spread. Nothing dramatic and manageable.

John Siebold

Sounds like it?s somewhat tested based on others apparent success. Looking at the Cert world for info and possible guidance some planes are approved to fly without the spinner and some are not. I believe this is due to cooling requirements determined during certification testing. I would be OK flying a RV without the spinner if I had a engine monitor for all cylinders and flew on the conservative side.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
Thanks for the responses folks.

I do have the full array of temp probes so I'll keep an eye on that. Also, The fillers and back-plate have been removed. Boy that back-plate is a booger....