6 Gun

Well Known Member
i live in fl and i fly my rv over to the bahamas a few times a year
this new rule that dhs put in place is just placing a hardship on honest american flyers the old rules where good and have worked for a long time so you cant say they were not effective why punish us that love our country
the part i realy dont like is having to tell the govt when i want to go some where and they give me permission whats up with that
i dont mind telling them when i start back and whos with me but why take away my freedoom to go when i want to
i emailed my congressman and sent aopa a message that their a lame duck org. if they dont start a protest against this what next maybe permission to fly local
i would like all my fellow rv's to call your congressman and aopa
not for my sake but ours
anyway just to keep this rving hows it going to effect other rv flyers
PS lets keep paying people to tell us what to do
What gets me about the crazy rules the TSA / DHS keep pushing down on us good citizens who like airplanes is they don't apply to people with cars and trucks.

I could take a van load of friends across the border (come to think of it, I have done just that) and drive them back with no increased scrutiny. Or I could drive a panel van all around town and no one would give it a second look.

Why are airplanes singled out?

You are correct, we need to communicate our displeasure with our elected officials.
Meanwhile our southern borders remain porous. What do you think the probability of a terrorist entering this country via an RV or Cessna is compared to the probability of one entering the country on foot?

Its just all a game to justify a budget. We have routine inspections by the TSA at our airpark. Talk about a waste of time.

Occasionally I work on some warbirds at KIND and quite often the TSA guys roam around in spots at the FBO's where nobody can track them down so they can watch TV, play cards, etc. Your taxdollars at work!
Its just all a game to justify a budget. We have routine inspections by the TSA at our airpark. Talk about a waste of time.

What exactly do they inspect? Are there extra forms to fill out? Are they making lists of people who come and go? If so, that's dumb.

Seems to me these people would be better employed inspecting shipping containers at ports or cross-border truck traffic.
What exactly do they inspect?...
It is my understanding they are comparing the passenger list against the No Fly list. Let's say you wife's name is on the list, then there is no way for you to get her back into this country as there is no appeal process, from what I have read.

I realize some of you might actually like that scenario.
It is my understanding ..... Let's say you wife's name is on the list, then there is no way for you to get her back into this country ......

So how do I have my ex added to the list;) Sorry, couldn't resist.
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Ferry Pilot Needed

:rolleyes: I'll find a way to get my ex's name put on the list if I can get any of the fine members of this loosely organized group of bandits to fly him out of the country. Any takers? :D I'll pay for the fuel!!
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:rolleyes: I'll find a way to get my ex's name put on the list if I can get any of the fine members of this loosely organized group of bandits to fly him out of the country. Any takers? :D I'll pay for the fuel!!

Let's see, get your ex and my ex to fly my airplane over, I hop a ride with someone else, pick my airplane up, fly back. I'm kinda thinking I'm beginning to like this new rule.....:D
Shame on you

Let's see, get your ex and my ex to fly my airplane over, I hop a ride with someone else, pick my airplane up, fly back. I'm kinda thinking I'm beginning to like this new rule.....:D

Dana - Shame on you. You forgot to tell me so I could add ex-wife's name on the list.