
Well Known Member
Anyone have a flying, or very close to flying, RV-7A in the Indianapolis, IN area? I'd love to see one up close, and talk "shop" for a bit. I'm hoping to start a 7A this fall.
I might be able to be talked into flying up!

If I am free Saturday, you might be able to talk me into flying up your way :)
Send me a direct email and include your phone number.

[email protected]
Hi Michael..

...My plans for next weekend are to fly to Crawfordsville in my -6A to meet the gent my Air Tractor is going to be working the corn run for.

PM me if you think that might work.


Thanks to everyone for your replies. Unfortunately I have only a small window when I'm actually in Indianapolis. I'm only there two out of every nine weeks. The rest of the time I'm in Alaska (long story).

My next "home leave" is July 25th through August 7th. I'll PM anybody if I think we can work something out.

Thanks again!

I am from Effingham, IL 1H2 & do a lot of flyin breakfasts etc. If you are traveling west on I 70 call & I will show you mine & mabe go for a ride or might see you at a breakfast this fall.
Stan Bahrns
cell 217 240-2909
email [email protected]