
Well Known Member
I will try and keep this as brief as I can. If you are a current builder and not flying much, or the owner of a finished bird and you fly less than 50 hours per year, this tale is for you.

Like many of you, I took my good health a little for granted. I took all the precautions, ate right, didn't drink or smoke, and visited my doctor regularly. I was a picture of health right up to 58 years old, then WHAM. Long story short, in 2012 I dealt with the aftermath of having Stage 4 cancer and the impact chemotherapy treatments had on my body. I was able to initially deal with these challenges and even built my RV-12 as a mental recovery treatment but ultimately, I had to give up my passion entirely in 2016. Fortunately, in my 30 years of aviation, I was able to achieve nearly all my goals and dreams. I built multiple times, won an award at AirVenture, and visited 42 of the lower 48 states.

My point to all this is to remind you that your aviation future is not a foregone conclusion. God has a way to setting you on a different path than what you have planned for yourself. Get that RV out of the hangar and go places, fly, enjoy the freedom, whatever drives your aviation passion, just DO IT. Tomorrow may not be an option.

Do I miss aviation? Every single day. Every time there is a CAVU day, or I hear an airplane fly overhead, I think of all the great times I had going places, meeting great people, and seeing our country from 3K feet. I miss it dearly, and would love the opportunity to engage in my passion once more. But that's not going to happen, and it's an outcome that all of us ultimately face somewhere down the road.

Now, I didn't write this so anyone would feel sorry for me. Don't. I'm doing fine and I use my energies on different passions now. I bought a business with my two sons and it's going great. I also have four grandsons under 4 years old that love to go fishing with Poppy. My life is wonderful even without aviation. But don't take circumstances for granted. Get your bird finished or drag it out of the hangar and dust it off. Top off the tanks and launch!
Thanks for the reminder, Randy!

Looking at your "CV" - I'd say you've achieved more than 99+% of us here on this site, and still going strong!

Lund fishing Boat, 2017, GONE FISHING
RV-12 - Completed 2014, Sold
427 Shelby Cobra - Completed 2012, Sold
F1 EVO - partially completed, Sold
F1 Rocket - Completed 2005, Sold
RV-7A - Partially completed, Sold
RV-6 - Completed 2000, Sold
Long-EZ - Completed 1987, Sold

Best of luck with the new business, and congrats on the grandkids!
Life’s Passions

+1 on RV-8ch comments. I’m 63 and have my first Grandson coming in July. Flying is great but it’s not everything.
In a New York Minute........

Get your bird finished or drag it out of the hangar and dust it off. Top off the tanks and launch!

In a New York Minute.....everything can change.... Don Henley

You just never know, baby! You just never know..... Don Lemon's Grandmother

Those of us who have, by no choice of our own, joined The Club KNOW that every day is a gift and not just a trite saying.

EVERY time I am flying (and I mean EVERY time), I look out at those wings and am just AMAZED that they do what they do and that I am able to take full advantage of their Magic. I love The Build but am a Flyer. I put on nearly 200 hours last year and that wasn't enough! I would be out now but for the weather.....

Listen to Randy's sage advice: Get OUT THERE! And we will fly for you because you can't, Randy.....:)

A Gift of Wings......Richard Bach (It is a gift: take advantage of it!)
Get that RV out of the hangar and go places, fly, enjoy the freedom, whatever drives your aviation passion, just DO IT. Tomorrow may not be an option.

Great stuff :cool:

One thing I've been doing for a while and set aside as a future "substitute", is RC flying :eek:
Thanks for the reminder Randy. Heard, and challenge accepted. This year has me really missing the big long distance stuff that we became so accustomed to. When a couple thousand mile trip starts to feel like a burger run you know you're in the enjoyment zone.
Thanks Randy! What a great testimony and reminder. I'm 58 now, working on getting my PP license and building my RV10. Have wanted this my whole life and hope I get a few years yet to enjoy it. Thanks again and enjoy those grandkids!
Thank you, Randy

Randy, you have been an inspiration to me, because of all you have shared on this site and on your own. From your electrical system drawings to your flying adventures, Rocket to RV-12.

And, I agree with your advice. My RV-7 and I have landed in 47 of the lower 48 (plan on the 48th this summer). Been to Nashville and Niagara with one son, across the country and back with the other, and another time with my wife, and she has been with me all the way to Butchart Gardens in BC and to Montreal.

So yeah, go fly! Thanks, Randy!

Thank so much Randy for the so real and inspiring story. Ive enjoyed and benefited from your posts, emails, and phone contacts in the past as I dealt with things on my RV12. When your beauty went up for sale I wondered what was next, and then no more posts made me wonder.

Again thank for the update and it is encouraging to hear how you remain positive despite the unwanted changes. I have always felt how people deal with adversity is a true measure of their character. You Sir are impressive! Thanks for the reminder of those things I take for granted.

Agree with what you're saying. In my case a twenty year issue with my medical. 1996-2016.

Found out I could get a class III with no waivers (2016 Direct talk with Oklahoma). Next day (Dec, 2016) paid cash for my RV-6.

Wanted an RV since my teenage years and seeing them in Homebuilt Aircraft Magazine.

Haven't looked back.

Never know when an issue will show up with the medical again.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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