
Well Known Member
Part 1 of 2.

This morning I got up bright and early and took advantage of checking out AT&T Park prior to game 5 of the 2014 World Series between the hometown San Francisco Giants and the Kansas City Royals. My original plan was to fly up to Santa Rosa (KSTS) to have breakfast with my friend Dave. I figured that we don't get many World Series around here (although 3 in 5 years is not bad) so I might as well fly the RV overhead before the TFR went into effect.

Here is a shot of some low fog in the east bay hills behind Hayward:


This is looking towards Oakland and the San Francisco Bay:


Here's a shot of UC Berkeley. I had to start letting down so I could sneak under the Oakland Class C airspace:


Now I'm starting to turn west. To the right of the photo you can see Golden Gate Fields, the last remaining horse racing venue in the Bay Area:


Here is the Bay Bridge. This is the section that partially fell down during the quake of 89. They built a new eastern span which opened last year. You can see the new span and part of the old span in this photo. They are starting to tear down the old span:


The island in the foreground is Yerba Buena Island and the flat island is Treasure Island. Treasure Island is man made and was built in the mid 30's for the Golden Gate International Exposition in 1939. Alcatraz and Angel Island can also be seen in the background:


Here is a shot of AT&T Park looking towards Tiburon. What a beautiful morning:


And now a close up of one of MLB's most beautiful ballparks. I just love watching games here. To the left is McCovey Cove. When the Giants hit a home run into the water it's known as a splash hit and gets recorded on a scoreboard in the park. I think the count is at 68 splash hits since the park opened. I actually got to see number 66 in person this year. If you zoom in, you can see that they have put the words World Series in foul territory:


Now I'm starting to head on up to the Golden Gate Bridge. Here is a shot of the Ferry Building:

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Part 2 of 2

Here is a shot of Coit Tower. This was built in 1933 at the request of Lillian Coit as a tribute to San Francisco firefighters. I have read that it's supposed to look like a fire hose nozzle but I just don't see it:


Well, you knew this was coming: The Golden Gate Bridge. Legend has it that World War II ace Richard Bong looped his P-38 under and over it. I flew under it MS Flight Simulator:


Over Alcatraz...The Rock. Former home of Al Capone and of course, the Birdman:


Now I'm starting to head north to Santa Rosa. Here is a shot of San Quentin State Prison. The guys in there don't get to go flying, they can only watch:


On final to Santa Rosa. You can see a balloon to the right. There were three more to the left out of frame. They had me thread the needle between them:


Of course I have to include a shot of my baby on the ramp at KSTS:

I was thinking on this flight that sometimes I take for granted where I live. People come from all over the world to visit here and I'm lucky enough to live here. And on top of it all, I have an airplane...that I built my GARAGE! Pinch me!!!

Keep pounding those rivets. When I was building I'd look at posts like these and try to imagine how it was going to be. It was difficult to imagine that it would finally be done, aside from painting.

Keep it up guys and gals!!! It's totally worth it.

Now, I have to get to the TV to watch the game.

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Impressive! These are priceless photographs. I have "Bullitt" on my DVR and enjoy watching it just to see how much has changed. The movie was fake but the background and city was not. Cars, dress, skyline.

This morning, I scanned a photograph of my Dad and his brother taken in 1931. There was a relatively new car in the garage. The longevity of photographs and their story, frozen in time, is amazing.

Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful shot of the UC Berkeley campus and The Campanile (ok, Sather Tower)...lots of childhood memories as my mother was from Berkeley and we'd visit during the year. I didn't realize so many roofs were red on campus.
I have "Bullitt" on my DVR and enjoy watching it just to see how much has changed.

Ha! I do the same with my copy of Bullitt. I'll pop it in to the DVD player and watch every couple of years. I recently discovered a cameo appearance of a hotel that I've passed many times on US 101. The place is still there and I had no idea it was a movie star! Any of the Dirty Harry movies are also good time capsules of SF.

Why does Bullitt keep passing the same VW Beetle during the chase scene? :rolleyes:
Fantastic post, Kelly. I lived in the Bay Area for a few years back in 1980-83, in the Union City and Fremont areas. You showed a lot of familiar sights in your photos, along with some new ones. I'm looking forward to a similar fly-over when my RV-7A is finished, sometime in the near future here. Very motivational. Thank you! :)
I lived in the Bay Area from 1987-2006 and was based at KPAO, then KAPC. I sure miss flying in the Bay Area and the rest of the West Coast. Thanks for reminding me of what I've been missing! Gorgeous photos.