
Well Known Member
I have posted a couple of new flight videos on You Tube. I like having all the audio calls for tower, traffic, flight following and CTAF included in my videos. So with that said, I tend to edit out the flying, till something comes over the radio.

Here are two flights from last Sunday. Enjoy.

Chino up to Big Bear.

Big Bear back down to Chino.
Fond Memories


Great videos. Got my Private ticket at Cable and my Instrument rating at Chino. My old stomping grounds. :D
Excellent video. Do all you guys in the US talk so fast and have such friendly controllers? Ours are usually all business. By the way Pete, I stumbled across your build site years ago when I first heard about RV's and long before I ever thought I'd also become a builder one day. Nice to see the end result of your project.
Great video


Can you share with us what camera you are using, and how you are recording the radio calls? Keep the videos coming!
Camera Management

Thanks for the great video - just as interesting and informative as your build log.

It seemed that the camera was on an easy swivel mounted that you could easily reposition with your right hand. Is that right? Annd then I guess the camera had an LCD display so that you could monitor what the camera was seeing. In any case, I enjoyed the different views as the camera was reposioned.

On the flight to Big Bear it seemed that there was a bit of bumpiness just as you were pulling off the runway onto the taxiway. Was the ground/pavement bumpy at this point or was it something else, or just my imagination?
yes, more video info please!

look at 6:48 in the first video....the cam comes out of the mount. Interesting that the prop now is visible, so I'd guess the mount has a filter?
Is it just velcro, or clipped in? Kinda looks a bit like a fancy modified version of my Sony videocam case.
Nice clear radio procedure...not sure we readback quite as much, but certainly is a good habit....(if we are really listening for the potential errors!)

look forward to your hints and tips on doing these great videos!
Thanks for the kind words...

Can you share with us what camera you are using, and how you are recording the radio calls?

I am using a GoPro Hero3, mounted with NFlight GoPro Kit. The kit comes with an audio cable that splits the input for the headsets. So you are recording anything that you would hear in the headsets. You can buy a similar audio cable from Aircraft Spruce, but then you also need to buy a Micro USB adapter. My GoPro Settings are 1080p with 30 fps. I use a iMac with iMovie to quickly edit the footage.

It seemed that the camera was on an easy swivel mounted that you could easily reposition with your right hand. Is that right? Annd then I guess the camera had an LCD display so that you could monitor what the camera was seeing. In any case, I enjoyed the different views as the camera was reposioned.

On the flight to Big Bear it seemed that there was a bit of bumpiness just as you were pulling off the runway onto the taxiway. Was the ground/pavement bumpy at this point or was it something else, or just my imagination?

The NFlight Kit mentioned above has a suction mount that allows me to swivel the camera. However, that means the camera is held just a bit loose in the mounting, which allows the vibration to come in at low idle speeds. That's why you see the shaking as I exit the runway at Big Bear.
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yes, more video info please!

look at 6:48 in the first video....the cam comes out of the mount. Interesting that the prop now is visible, so I'd guess the mount has a filter?
Is it just velcro, or clipped in? Kinda looks a bit like a fancy modified version of my Sony videocam case.
Nice clear radio procedure...not sure we readback quite as much, but certainly is a good habit....(if we are really listening for the potential errors!)

look forward to your hints and tips on doing these great videos!
look at 6:48 in the first video....the cam comes out of the mount. Interesting that the prop now is visible, so I'd guess the mount has a filter?
Is it just velcro, or clipped in? Kinda looks a bit like a fancy modified version of my Sony videocam case.
Nice clear radio procedure...not sure we readback quite as much, but certainly is a good habit....(if we are really listening for the potential errors!)

Yes, the NFlight mount has a filter that really helps to take out the prop. You can see it at the spot you mention (6:48) in the first video. The kit has a suction mount, and the camera has setting for inverted, as it is mounted upside down.

The second video I made has several BAD radio calls. We can all improve on our radio skills. Hearing the errors that I made, it has me really thinking about how to be more CLEAR and PRECISE in future radio work with ATC. I tend to talk fast and mumble a bit. At one point I can hear myself saying "cleared to land on 8 land" instead of 8 left. When the controller asked me what type of RV I was flying, I was confused for a second. I had never had a controller act so casual and ask those questions before. My mind went to the the type of question I was used to hearing. In any case, it is a good example for us all. We are not perfect. Keep learning, admit when you make mistakes, and try to do better the next time.

I will keep posting the videos, even when they highlight some of my errors.

Thanks for watching.
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Great job!

Thanks so much for two great videos Peter. Unfortunately, all of my RV flying is done vicariously at this time and your camera work enabled me to have a wonderful half hour flight.

Keep em coming!
Nice video and thanks for the information on the equipment and settings you use. I have been using a Contour and am never happy with the results. I think I will be moving to your set up.

Not to pick at nits but I noticed you flew right over the school on your approach to runway 8. For noise abaitment pilots are asked to avoid over flight of the school on departure (at both ends actually) and I apply that on arrival also. Here is what L35 says on there web sight for arrivals to runway 8, "Aircraft landing runway 8 please avoid the round school and playground on final approach; stay south of the school over water until you pass the school". I mention this not to be a jerk but to hopefully increase pilot awareness. Noise abatement is a big deal. I realize you may not have overflown the school and the video just made it look that way.

Here is a neat little interactive map ( that L35 has on there web sight. Just click on the runway for arrival and departure and you get a nice little graphic on the preferred approach and departure.

Any way thanks for the vids and the audio. By the way even controllers get tongue tied once in a while so no big deal.
Not to pick at nits but I noticed you flew right over the school on your approach to runway 8. For noise abaitment pilots are asked to avoid over flight of the school on departure (at both ends actually) and I apply that on arrival also. Here is what L35 says on there web sight for arrivals to runway 8, "Aircraft landing runway 8 please avoid the round school and playground on final approach; stay south of the school over water until you pass the school". I mention this not to be a jerk but to hopefully increase pilot awareness. Noise abatement is a big deal. I realize you may not have overflown the school and the video just made it look that way.


You are correct sir. I tend to fly in on 26 most of the time, and stay clear of the High School at the East end of the Valley. On a 26 takeoff, I always do the left turn after takeoff. This approach to 8 is to far North, and takes me over the school. A learning experience for me. I will do better next time. Thanks for pointing it out.
I was playing with that map and noticed that for 26 it has the pattern going past the high school. I normally turn base before the HS. I need to find out if that is ok. I generally keep my pattern real tight as the 6 glides slightly better than a rock.

Again I was not trying to be a jerk just thought it deserved a mention.
Yes, on 26 I fly out past the High School before I turn base. For me this is normal opps, as I get to fly over my cabin in Sugarloaf.

I appreciate a chance to learn. I was over the school on approach. Now that it was pointed out, I will think about it next time. I appreciate it. Flying is always about learning and doing better next time. No worries.
I have been using a Contour and am never happy with the results. I think I will be moving to your set up.

+1. I can never get the Contour to start recording when I want, or when I do it craps out after a few minutes. I'm going to try this setup as well.
Very nice, that was my favorite place to fly from now closed MCAS El Toro, back in the 80s, it has been over 20 years since I was there, do they still have the US sectional map on the wall, and the Chinese restaurant?
Nice video!

Thanks for sharing Peter. I just got a GoPro and have been toying around with it. Apart from flying, I've found a lot of fun projects from a site called DIYGoPro (link below). Thought I'd share with the group here.

DIY GoPro Projects

Thanks again for sharing!