
Well Known Member
I managed to get out on Christmas eve and fly from Chino, down the California coastline, to Oceanside. This was my first opportunity to film a bit of ocean. As with my other video's, this one also focuses on my radio communications as I work through the complicated airspace of SoCal. Watch the YouTube link, and have a virtual fly along. Enjoy.

construction suspended!

While I am almost 5 years into my RV9A build, about to start my engine, and do the tighten up on all systems in anticipation of flying, perhaps I should just quit and continue to do these "ride alongs" with you Peter! Thank you for the near-virtual right seat experience. Well done. Textbook flight and example of the exemplary radio work it (usually) takes to mitigate the so cal airspace in the safest manner. Appreciate your videos. Please keep sharing.
Geoffrey Patterson

Thanks for posting that. Oceanside sure looks different than it did when I flew out of there back in the late '70s and early '80s. In fact, that road you flew over on final goes through where out hangar used to be. We also ran the flight school there back in '83.

I can't believe that drive in is still there. I used to love that because it was the perfect spot to turn base, at least in a 152.
Very Nice

What is that big orange firey ball in the sky and where is all the snow? You must live on a different planet from Minnesota......

Great Video - you fly the 9A very, very well!!
Training Video for New 9A Drivers

Great video Peter, especially for those of us building the the 9A.
This was a real shot in the arm. I am about 5-6 months away
from inspection and seeing flights like this are educational.
The callouts of where, Alt, AS, flaps and power were perfect for giving
one the feel of how the 9 handles in the pattern.
I know the area you flew well. In the 80's I worked for Suzuki Motor Corp
in Brea on Imperial Hwy by Carbon Canyon. But I can remember many
sunny days when the visibility from the air would have been straight down
only. I used to fly in and out of Ontario and a lot of days on climb out, it would be
like busting through a table top when you hit the top of the smog
layer. With the tail wind you had, that almost qualified as a Santa Anna, almost.
Question, how much of flight on AP?
I wait for the Catalina video, especially if you land.
Thanks again for the ride!

Peter, those video's of your flights are wonderful. As with most everybody else who has commented I am building a 9A and your video's provide excellent motivation. Your build site is one of three blogs on my shop computer as a routing reference to the plans. Thanks so much for sharing!

Question, how much of flight on AP?


This flight was all hand flown. When I do a long cross country up high, I use the auto pilot. As this one was low and slow, I was flying by hand.

These videos are great fun to make. I am glad people enjoy watching. I figure if I want to watch them again myself, then maybe someone else will enjoy as well. For me, when I was building, I wanted to see videos with lots of call for airspeed, tower, ground, flight following etc. That's whey I edit these the way I do.
Peter, thanks for the instructive video. I fly to Carlsbad to see guys there for work. Never thought about going out around the edge of the restricted. Water scares me if I don't have floats on a Beaver !! But, it looked like you had a workable glide height the whole time out over the water. When I first got IFR rated, I accepted a clearance from center and stupidly followed on through the snow. At some point, (this was before moving maps) I realized I was 35 miles offshore NY city, in a Cessna 172. I kicked my own butt several times for that blind mistake. Anyway, you have given me a good view of an alternative for my spouse and I to enjoy our 9A going down the coast to either Oceanside or Palomar. Great coms too. She is always afraid to talk to SOCAL. This helps her see it is not so scary after all. Cheers.