
Well Known Member
I have been trying to buy an RV for about a year now and was able to finally find the right match. RV buying is hard work, as is selling. The RV I found just happened to be about as far away as possible (Independence, OR) and getting it home to NJ was going to be a huge challenge/adventure. This trip included A LOT of firsts for me. First time owning an airplane, first time behind a C/S prop, first time flying outside of 100 miles of my home airport, first time flying an RV solo, first time landing at a class B airport, first time over BIG mountains, first time flying VFR over the top, first time flying in weather less than 2000' OVC. It was an experience of a lifetime and one that I am glad I survived.

This was my eventual route. The weather was not helpful at all as the poor guys at SnF will contest.

3100+ miles and over 20 hours.


Worked half a day then headed for the Philadelphia airpoort to get on a big bird for Portland. Had 1 stop in Phoenix with a 2 hour layover.


On top leaving 10000 or so.

By the time I got to my hotel in Portland is was 12 midnight, 3am for me, and I was quite happy to see this bed!!!

The weather would not allow us to depart to Denver on Sunday as planned so we waited. The forecast looked horrible for most of the week so we decided to try and go south towards Phoenix. Gary Brown, retired Continental pilot, RV builder, A&P, etc etc was accompanying me to get me on the east side of the Rockies. Here we are doing our engine start checklist.


We couldn't fly over the Cascades so we had to take the gorge just north of Portland. Oregon is very pretty country...but it rains too **** much!!


Here is Mount Hood peaking at us between the clouds. it's only 11,000 feet high.

Glad you made it just fine, sounds like a life long high point for sure.

Thanks for posting the trip writeup.
First stop, Yerington, NV. My co-pilot nearly wet his pants so we had to land. :D We needed fuel anyway.


The Rockies off in the distance.


Multiple mountain ranges over Nevada...seems like NOBODY lives out here.


We had a good tailwind and were approaching speeds of 190kts. Yippee!!



The Stratosphere looks small from 11,500 feet.


So we fly into Sky Harbor, Phoenix International, and they park us with the big boys. This is the Dallas Maverick's 757. WOW!! The co-pilot of the 757 was actually taking pictures of my RV. He said his Captain was going to be sooo jealous because he wants an RV too.


Phoenix tower...

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Phoenix was 85 and Sunny but I was experiencing a LOT of anxiety. I was about to depart a very busy airport in an airplane I have never flown solo. My TruTrak ADI also gave out on my over Vegas the day before so I was worried. I called the tower supervisor and explained that I was a controller back east and asked him to walk me through what I should expect. He was very helpful and told me what the typical procedure was. He said I would depart on runway 7 left along with the rest of the aircraft lined up 10-15 deep. Big jets, some of them heavies. I was a bit bummed by that and asked him if he could get me out on 7 right. He said to ask ground as I taxied out. When I called ground I didn't even have to ask, he directed me to 7 right. After I said I was ready the tower told me to line up and wait on runway 7 right, he informed me of an aircraft on a 6 mile final to my runway but I had to wait out the wake turbulence of the 767 that was departing 7 left. I was then clear and I hit the throttle....worried about the turbulence i climbed out steeply trying to top the wake. All was fine and soon i was directed on course.

I was trying to fly to Dallas to visit my trusty mechanic but weather would not allow I was making a b-line for NJ. This route would take me over some large mountain ranges alone....

I planned a route at 11,500 and found out I would have to climb to 14000 for a brief period to clear some big boys. This day was very turbulent and I was a bit scared...:)

Last of the white caps...
I made my first solo landing here....


I chose this airport for its long runways in every direction...should be able to pull it off. My first solo landing was pretty **** good. Smooth even though it was a bit windy.

Off to my nest destination....Clinton, Missouri. But the weather had plans of it's own.



I had to terminate the flight 20 minutes short of my destination and land at Butler. Missouri. It was getting dark quicker than I planned partly because I lost track of what time zone I was in and partly because I left phoenix later than I wanted to because of all the anxiety I was having before departing.
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I made my first night landing in was raining and there was nobody there. I had to button up my bird in the dark and put the cover on for the first time.

Here is the airport the following day around noon. I had to wait for weather to improve before departing. I also had to wipe the rain and moisture off the wings for fear of icing conditions. As I wiped the wings...some of the moisture turned to frost.


I never talked to or saw a single person at this airport.

Off I go to do a bit of scud running. The weather was forecast to improve along my planned route. I had low ceilings but good vis however I did not see this antenna farm until my garmin alerted me to the obstacle. If you look close you can see it in front of my gas cap.


Approaching St. Louis...



The arch!!


Kentucky Speedway! Go Gordon!!


Gene Snyder airport. I thought I would bunk here for the night until I found out there wasn't a hotel within 20 miles.


I didn't want to push on mych further as I had about an hour of daylight left and didn't want to repeat a night landing again. So I did some research and found Cynthiana airport just 10 minutes South.


This didn't look much better but the guy in the FBO was very friendly. He even said I could sleep in the FBO for the night. I opted to head into town so he gave me this crew car...


WOW!! Now that's a crew car!!

I found this bed and breakfast.... Seldon Renaker Inn.
Excellent. Hurry up with the rest of the trip.

I have never landed at a Class B airport. Did they charge you hefty landing fees?
Cynthiana was a great little town and very friendly but I was getting homesick and wanted to get me and my new bird back home. Before I left I took a pic of thier NEW building, they are still waiting to move in.


The next morning the weather was pretty low but forecast to improve. I decided to go to the airport for a look see. It looked OK so I decided to press on. Cynthiania Airport is in a low valley so that made the weather look better than it really was. I continued on thinking there was a small chance that I could actually make it home today....or else the forecast would have me stranded once again. It was a poor decision to press on. I had the Garmin yelling at me the whole time..."Terrain, terrain". I had all the charts loaded on the iPad via SkyChartsPro (EXCELLENT APP by the way, I couldn't have completed the trip without it) and was trying to maintain an altitude above the highest obstacle listed on the chart. I could not maintain that altitude at times and got a first hand look at why they call it the "Rolling hills of Kentucky" Visibility was also very poor. A very stupid decision to press on and one that I will NOT be making again anytime soon. I would show you pics but the workload was too great to take any.

I was happy to land at Zanesville, Ohio.


Got to like this...


The gas was high but look how nice it is...



Nicer than my own house :D

The forecast was calling for clear skies....but it never came and I decided to stay in Zanesville. I put the bird in the hangar overnight with the threat of light snow. Tip: Don't fill up on a cold ramp then put it away in a warm hangar, that is unless you want to waste a bit of fuel.
That afternoon I checked into the hotel at 3:30. I had time to kill and asked if there was a laundry facility around. There was not so I had to improvise.


As my clothes were drying....the skies opened up. Oh well. Too late now. It was getting dark. The next morning the forecast looked much better and Zanesville was beautiful VFR.

I had to cross over the Appalachian mountains and it called for VFR conditions on both sides of the mountain range but the mountain range was suspect. I wanted to go northeast towards Pittsburgh but the current METARS were too low for me and my higher set of minimums. Going southeast promised better weather although it was a much longer route and I would have to deal with the Washington ADIZ on the other side of the mountain range.

If you look at my route you can see me heading southeast but I had to turn back because I could not maintain an altitude that would clear the mountains. I was not going to play games with that low weather and terrain again. As I turned back west I kept seeing huge holes of blue sky. I figured I could get on top and take a look see. If it didn't look good I could always go west towards the clear skies over Zanesville. XM weather was reporting very good conditions east of the mountains so when I got on top, at 11,500", I decided to continue southeast towards scattered clouds. (I am glad the RV can climb so well, i had to climb at 2000 fpm to get up there)


Looks pleasant but it was scary for me. I had to drive on about 60 miles before it stated to break up. Here is what it looked like when I dropped in through a hole.


YEAAHH!!! Flat familiar ground!! Now I just had to snake my way through the ridiculous amount of restricted airspace while remaining clear of the Washington ADIZ. Next stop Cambridge, MD.



One hour from home!!! Here I go up the NJ coast.


About here is where I realized I just flew my new bird from coast to coast.


Atlantic City!!!



Had to do an obligatory touch and go at the airport where I work. Here is my tower as I am rolling out.


Turning final for the last time....home at last!!


Safe and sound!!!

Finally, I would like to take this time to thank many of the people that helped me accomplish this feat. There are many people on this forum that provided helpful advice, rides, etc but I want to specifically address:

Walt, He has helped me determine values and gave me continuous advice on many things associated with buying an RV.

Mile High Relic (John Knox) He and I decided last year to collaborate the buying process instead of compete since we were both looking to purchase similar RVs.

Jan Bussell,, for providing quality transition training.

Gary Brown for providing a quality pre-purchase inspection and flying with me to Phoenix so I didn't have to cross the Rockies alone.

Bob and Karen Brown for building such a beautiful solid RV and for the generous, hospitable experience of purchasing from such good people.

And lastly, my wife, who supports me and all my crazy dreams. Without her I could never accomplish half the things I do.
Way Cool!!! I can contest that the part of Nevada you flew across has very little for civilization. Driven many of the roads in Nevada. Looking forward to expanding my wings and taking some cool trips like this!
nice adventure and cool write up, thanks

btw- i think you got gypped. Gary got out before you crossed the Rockies,:D you did that on your own....alone. just kidding you nice job
Nice write up

Great write up and pictures, although in Oregon if we can see the top of Mt. Hood, we'd probably call it severe clear. :D A scud run through the Columbia Gorge would mean the clouds were even with the highest hills on the sides. At least there are several airports along the way. Glad you made it across the country safely!

Great write up. Great way to enjoy my coffee on a early sunday morn before I go out to the a/d to work on mine. Beautiful plane, hope you enjoy lots of great adventures in it.
Best read of the week!

Many congratulations on the buy, the trip, the story and your once-in-a-lifetime cross country!

Thanks guys! The weather was really getting the better of me this past week. My sleep pattern is still way off. I wake up and grab the iPad immediately and start checking weather as if I'm sleep walking. Hopefully I will return to a normal sleep pattern soon.:)
Wow sounds like a exciting first cross Country, Congratulations on the new purchase, perseverance paid off.
Somebody asked about a landing fee at Sky Harbor, I think it was Ron, nope, no landing fee but they sure hammered me on fuel!!! It might have been a wash though cause they provided excellent service, transportation, and a crew rate at the hotel downtown.

That may qualify as the longest first cross country in an RV!! ;) You definitely ran the full gamut of weather and delays.... plus you flew over the entire country. Nice job and enjoyed the writeup.

Nice job!

I'll be following in HALF your footsteps with a pure VFR plane. Are there portable equipment recomendations you'd make? What you had with you / wished you'd had with you?

Congrats on the new bird!! She's a beauty!

What tower do you work? KACY? If so, i'm down there all the time doing practice approaches with students, i'll have to say "hey" to another RV nut on frequency!
Sounds like you gained a few years worth of experience in one week; congratulations on making it through safely!

I also am impressed with your honesty concerning some of the scary parts, which may have been a bit more of an adventure than you wanted? That feeling in your gut is a good thing to pay attention to.
That was a great story and has inspired me to one day go XC. You will love your new plane, its an RV! I to live in NJ and based at Sky Manor Airport (N40). We have a Fly-In every year (Sept 10, 2011) and have about 25 or more RVs and many other aircraft and would love to have you fly in!! Come by anytime to our restaurant we would love to see your plane! sure feels like I gained a LOT of experience on this trip. And yes, some of it I do not want to repeat. I want to reiterate to some of the guys on here that I do not condone some of the legs I flew. My story has a happy ending but there have been plenty of pilots that did not have that luxury. Like they say, it is much better to be on the ground wishing you were up there instead of up there wishing you were on the ground. If you are reading this and wondering if I am talking to you...I AM!!!

As far as the equipment I wanted or needed: My Trutrak ADI went Tango Uniform over Vegas. I wish that was working. Added a lot of anxiety to the entire trip. The Garmin Aera 560 is expensive (for a portable) as is the wx subscription but it was my most vital tool. I used the iPad for charts using the SkyChartsPro app. That app is only $20 and was the biggest bang for the buck to complete this trip. Charts are a must on a long cross country for redundancy if the Garmin fails. (Paper charts would be nearly impossible for a single piloted RV in low weather, at least for me.) Also I had used it for looking at different things than the garmin offered on the screen I prefered.

Other than that...a well built RV helped me relax a bit.
Very Good!!!

Very nice write up. Quite an adventurous first Cross Country. At least you are familiar with the ATC system:)

I wish I knew you were coming to Phoenix. I live at P19, about a 8 minute flight Southeast of Sky Harbor. Could have stayed at my place, with car and decent fuel prices. Where you parked at Sky Harbor is where my company is based. You probably noticed the yellow and black helicopter next to where you were parked. That the company I work for.

Cross Country is so rewarding. Now that you've got your plane home you can really begin the adventure.

Phoenix Sky Harbor

For a 400 series Cessna $20 ramp fee and $20 landing if memory serves me. Ramp is for the FBO and is waived with modest fuiel purchase. What you are getting for your money is 24/7 service, free coffee, sometimes cookies, transportation to the hotel, terminal, etc. Cutter Aviation Sky Harbor is a very elegant facility with very friendly and helpful people.

Where is your hangar. Looks like it might be Camden Co or Cross keys. I was in AC area from 81 to 87.
Thanks for the story, it was a great read. I need another coffee now.
I hope to fly my 7A from coast to coast ( Brisbane to Perth , Australia ) soon.
Glad you and your new plane made it home safe.
What a great report TKATC, awesome photo's.

Hey Jamie, keep us informed on that. As that is one of the things we want to do.
If all of the planets and moons line up, it would be fun to do it in company with someone we know.

RV9a (Ready for first flight)
406 kg (894 lb) registered RA Australia 19-7781
0-235, P-Mags, Rotec TBI, Catto 2 blade
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Outstanding report

Tony you have managed to do in one trip what a lot of us dream about for a life time.
Congratulations on the first of many adventures.
RV7guy, I parked right next to your helicopters. Cool!!

JRS, Cross Keys! Good memory!
Great story. Gives me some added incentive to get my -9A finished. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

Like they say, it is much better to be on the ground wishing you were up there instead of up there wishing you were on the ground. If you are reading this and wondering if I am talking to you...I AM!!!


Thanks for a great write-up. Definetly enjoyed reading about your adventure. I'm getting ready to make my third x/c from Topeka, to LA. and, what you said about flying in weather is so true. Another guy on here (sorry, I've lost it) said, "Weather is what you get, not what you want". I think until you get that bad case of get-homitis, you don't really understand this.

Thanks for sharing your trip. Enjoy that 7A. It looks so cool!
Sounds like you had a super trip! It sure made me think about the first time I crossed the country in my own first airplane...all the anxiety and second-guessing comes right back as if it were yesterday (instead of 30 years ago).

From your write-up, it sounds like you did a great job of balancing the risk and making some good decisions - well done!

Glad you made home OK, but disappointed the weather forced you from your planned stop in the Denver area. If I passed that close to Vegas I 'm not sure I could have avoided the urge to stop there.

I'm happy we have been able to collaborate/commiserate these past many months, and that we have reached our major milestones. Someday we shall meet, my friend.

It's still not clear to me why you landed at Sky Harbor though. Was that Gary's idea?
Yep, sky harbor was Gary's idea. He was catching a flight back so I guess that is why. Don't forget, Oshkosh is right around the corner!! Which book publisher should we go with?
Which book publisher should we go with?

I will hook you up with a Moscow publisher Tony :D What a voyage! I read it twice with great interest. Thanks for your time writing the piece. Please plan to visit 39N some day I just got a space under roof there will be moving soon.
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Love the report. Thanks! I understand and have felt every anxiety and thrill. I'm so glad that you stayed safe and made the prudent decisions when things started to get dicey.

I'm sitting here wondering when I'll/we'll take the time for another cross-country adventure. You've inspired me!
I love the trip reports

Thanks for sharing the trip report.
I wonder if you were the controller I chatted with on flight following in the Atlantic city tower in route to Ocean City, NJ a few summers ago. I had an RV4 at the time.

Did I ask you about your RV? (If I have time, I typically ask what type of experimental if it is not known.) If so, it was probably me or I was prompting the controller to ask as I sat next to him on clearance delivery. Everytime I hear "experimental" I get excited and look at the ground speed. That is usually a good indicator of the type.
Congratulations on your purchase and successful adventure


Looks like you found a good clean RV. It was great that you wrote up your trip back. Everyone's first solo long trip over big mountains is exciting and somewhat scary too. It was fun to be able to read about your trip and remember my first big solo trip and the whole range of feelings that went with it. Like you, I did some things I realized I didn't want to repeat. I also ended the trip feeling really bonded to my RV and so happy with the safety margin it's capability gave me.

I'm glad your trip ended safely. You've now got a plane that will really open up the cross country possibilities and make everything seem a lot closer. Enjoy.

Great write up. It is inspiring me to get ready for a X/C of my own to pick up some as yet to be found RV. Looks like you exited VFR on top just over St. Mary's (2W6) as I can see Pax River NAS in the shot. I work at Pax, fly out of 2W6, and live between the two so I probably heard you go by... Enjoy the new bird!

Yes, I am missing my RV. Especially when reading your great trip write-up.

I did hear back from the new owner that it made it to Cape Town OK, got re-assembled and flown down the Johannisburg, and he was very happy with it.

Anyway, it was great to see you got a nice RV, and really fun that you let us all make that trip back home with you. That was a real treat.

tony, nice going. the best part of owning a rv is going places.

been through atlantic city passing n and s many times and the controllers are great.

if you get up to ct in the summer get in touch. watch out for vlad.