
fugio ergo sum
Hollywood, in its deceptive way, would have you believe this movie is about motorcycle speed attempts.

No sir! This movie is about RV builders I have known and loved. I particularly identified with the scene about lawn care by the use of gasoline. I know these people!

Really is a great movie. Anthony Hopkins was unforgettable in "The Silence of the Lambs," and he is great as a completely different type of character (RV-Builder) in this movie.

5 Stars.
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This is a very good movie. Hopkins does a great job playing this charactor. Talk about perserverence! My wife even loved the movie and she is not into bikes, cars or anything mechanical. This movie is all about the person and who he was.
Now Available on DVD

My wife and I drove up to Branson, MO to see it when it came out in limited distribution. I saw it in the new release section of Blockbuster a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't agree more about this being a special movie that would be of interest to RV pilots/builders. When he was melting down a specific combination of Ford and Chevy pistons to get the right metal for his Indian motorcycle pistons I knew this was going to be different in a very good way.

Bob Axsom
There is an RV7 builder here in town that was at speed week the first time Burt Munro showed up. I've been meaning to pick his brain a little bit about it one day.

Check out John Britten, another Kiwi that made his own motorcycle. http://www.britten.co.nz/
I'm glad that you guys reminded me of this - I missed it in the theatres, and rented it last night as it was raining like crazy here in Houston....it brought back memories of my grnadfather, and old "iron ranger" who had a dirt-floor garage and not only could build and repair anything (from anything), but would never waste a piece of metal if it could be re-used. I think I'm a builder becasue of his genes....

This movie about Burt Munro is a tribute to a special kind of person!

Ironflight said:
...rented it last night as it was raining like crazy here in Houston....

Anyone who rents the DVD, please don't miss the Burt Munro documentary available as a "special feature." It is as interesting as the movie and shows how accurate the film is. In fact some dialogue, and some scenes, such as the piston casting scene, complete with the same tools, are directly from the documentary.
Loved it!

Thanx guys for the recommendation. I give it 5 wrenches ;)

I agree that it is inspiring to guys like us who take on big projects. In a way, it's a reminder that you don't have to throw money at something to have it come out right, just hard work and head work.

I checked out the special features and the documentary was like another movie.

Art Treff
Asheville, NC
n5lp said:
Anyone who rents the DVD, please don't miss the Burt Munro documentary available as a "special feature." It is as interesting as the movie and shows how accurate the film is. In fact some dialogue, and some scenes, such as the piston casting scene, complete with the same tools, are directly from the documentary.

Thanks for that information. I saw the movie but I rented the DVD today to see the special feature you mention. On the bottom of the package it says "BONUS FILM: The original documentary - "Offerings to the God of Speed". It sounds like a lot more than the usual "special feature".

Bob Axsom
"World's Fastest Indian" must be seen

I know this isn't RV related but I've just gotta share that this film rocks! It is very much in the spirit of experimental do-it-yourself moxy and I find myself totally inspired by this true story.This film is not about native Americans by the way but about an old guy from New Zealand who travels to Bonneville salt flats to run his forty year old bike at "Speed Week".I'm sure the rest of you knuckleheads are going to love this movie as much as me and if you have Netflix and a good internet connection you can watch it allmost instantly on "watch now" from your account online.Forgive me Doug if this gets removed i understand.....ENJOY!

Harland E. [n.m. u.s.a.] said:
I know this isn't RV related but I've just gotta share that this film rocks! Forgive me Doug if this gets removed i understand.....ENJOY!
Rumour has it

The movie it seems while cntains true events wraps up several of his trips to speed week into a single event...Still very rivetting though and Antony Hopkins is one of Englands finest actors!

200mph on that old clunker is not bad going eh?

Bought my own DVD

I had the same reaction and wrote it up also. I bought a DVD and watch it ever so often and I love the way only a 70 year old active cross country race pilot can love it. Glad you feel the same way about the movie.

Bob Axsom
Definitely a "nice" movie. Hopkins plays the naive kiwi amateur coming to America brilliantly and all the "ugly" US steriotypes turn out to be compasionate and welcoming after all. Plus the guy casts his own pistons and quenches them in the same water he uses to brew tea!
Last to hear about it

Gee, I guess I kinda feel like the guy who was the last to know. But it certainly goes to show you all have excellent taste in movies! This film has made it into my top 10 and thats not easy to do because I'm really jaded when it comes to films,kinda like working in an icecream shop and not liking to eat icecream anymore.
Funny how stories/movies like this get no mention on the idiot box/media.

Yet, over time the word gets out.
No FX, PC, Bimbo's, ect... just good old story and acting.

Must be a reflection of the general poplulation (no interest), can't relate.

Great Movie
Top movies

Harland E. [n.m. u.s.a.] said:
... This film has made it into my top 10 and thats not easy to do because I'm really jaded when it comes to films...
Harland, It would be cool to see your top 10 list. Did you get a chance to work with Billy Bob? What was it like?
How the heck??????

Jeeeeesh!! How did you know I worked with BillyBob?? Freekin I.M.D.B. I'll bet!That database only has about 25% of my correct resume though , I hate those guys.But yeah, BillyBob is a very nice guy and funny as **** too, he directed "All The Pretty Horses" shot here in Santa Fe and then he was here for "Astronaut Farmer" last summer. I'll tell you that "Blade Runner" is my number one and now "World's Fastest Indian" is around five.
My favorite - since we're on that score - is Lawrence of Arabia. Deja vu on the current middle east if ever there was. Brilliant visuals, music and story too.
Jim Sharkey
Ya I watched LAwrence about a week ago

Your right, world politics don't change much does it?

Mind you I had to laugh when they talked about modern warfare as being the lobbing of grenades out of Sopworth Camels...:)

Another do not miss movie

This one is not as closely RV related as "The World's Fastest Indian" but I still think most RV people should not miss it.

"In the Shadow of the Moon" is your basic talking head documentary, something that doesn't sound all that great to me but it really is. During all the coverage of the Moon missions I certainly never felt like I got to know anything real about the participants. In fact I kind of got the impression that they didn't know or appreciate much about what they were experiencing. Tom Wolfe's book reinforced that, of course.

The film has some footage of the missions and quite a bit of interview time with 10 of the people who went to the Moon. The people I enjoyed most were Mike Collins and Alan Bean. I found out that these are funny, perceptive and very self aware people who do appreciate what they were a part of and have quite a bit of perspective on it. The whole thing is riveting (you know, in that other way).

I noticed in the credits "This film was shot entirely on location on the Earth, in Space and on the Moon." Yep, very real and not a lot of nuts and bolts, just some of the people and their thoughts.
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Fastest Indian

I can remember as a youngster the interview on NZ TV with Burt Munro standing next to his bike before he set out on one of his trips to USA.
The book of the same name is worth a read as well.
Ahh yes

The classic line as Antony Hopkins (one of my countrymen) looks behind him at the fire trucks somewhat confused and says..

"what they doing here?"

Neighbour guy....."maybe it the FIRE Bill!"
