
Well Known Member
I'll be going to a graduation at UOP in a few weeks and was planning on landing at Stockton. Does anyone know if transient parking is available there or I will need to park at Atlantic? I heard that their fees are outrageous at this location, but have not yet confirmed. Any other alternatives if there's no transient at SCK?
I'll be going to a graduation at UOP in a few weeks and was planning on landing at Stockton. Does anyone know if transient parking is available there or I will need to park at Atlantic? I heard that their fees are outrageous at this location, but have not yet confirmed. Any other alternatives if there's no transient at SCK?

I don't know that I'd say that the fees are outrageous. Fuel is around $7/gallon, which isn't out of line for the area.

Facility Fee: $40.00
Gallons needed to Waive Facility Fee: 15.0
Security Fee: $18.00

So take 15 gallons, and you'll only pay $18 in fees, plus however many nights parking..
I don't know that I'd say that the fees are outrageous. Fuel is around $7/gallon, which isn't out of line for the area.

Facility Fee: $40.00
Gallons needed to Waive Facility Fee: 15.0
Security Fee: $18.00

So take 15 gallons, and you'll only pay $18 in fees, plus however many nights parking..

Ok. That's not horrible. I'll land there for the convenience. If SCK had transient parking, I was going to get fuel at Turlock (O15). It's about 35 miles to the southeast, and only $4.85, which is ridiculously cheap for the area!! (updated 4/22/22)
I went to Stockton once and I paid a lot in fees at Atlantic. I asked the lineman, he told next time I could park at transient. The spots are between Atlantic and the terminal, they are towards the terminal building.
Also check Oakdale airport for cheap fuel.
Yes there is transient parking

I'm local and have flown into STK a lot for lunch during my training. There is transient parking right next to the Commercial terminal building. It's worth a call to the airport manager to confirm the overnight fees, but I can tell you there is plenty of transient parking in Stockton.
Thanks guys. I just called the airport and there is transient parking available.

Atlantic charges $38 in fees + $7.29/ gallon in fuel (14 gallons minimum). If you don't get fuel at Atlantic, you'll need to pay an additional $40 (on top of the $38) for "facility fee".

So I'll be staying at transient parking at SCK and then fueling up at Turlock (O15).
Definitely buy gas at Oakdale, some of the least expensive in the area. Park West of the Atlantic Ramp for transient, if you have any difficulty finding it ground can help, or just verify with the Atlantic line crew.

Don’t forget the body armor…
Definitely buy gas at Oakdale…
Don’t forget the body armor…

Or make a titanium well to slide in below pilot’s seat. Will catch stray bullets. Stockton is a nice airport. Just use transient and Oakdale for fuel. Save the money to buy Kevlar vest…..
Thanks for the tips, and the humor, guys! Stockton doesn't scare me. I'm straight outta Compton! LOL.

Actually, the city of Compton is a bit ghetto, but the airport itself, I have no problems with. Good group of pilots here and an active EAA, and safety is never an issue. Ironically, when I was a student at Torrance, we'd occasionally hear of people getting their stuff stolen out of the hangars and were always reminded to keep the hangar doors closed. At Compton, every leaves their hangars wide open and as far as I know, no one has ever had anything stolen. The pilots here are really friendly and always helpful.
Thanks for the tips, and the humor, guys! Stockton doesn't scare me. I'm straight outta Compton! LOL.

Actually, the city of Compton is a bit ghetto, but the airport itself, I have no problems with. Good group of pilots here and an active EAA, and safety is never an issue. Ironically, when I was a student at Torrance, we'd occasionally hear of people getting their stuff stolen out of the hangars and were always reminded to keep the hangar doors closed. At Compton, every leaves their hangars wide open and as far as I know, no one has ever had anything stolen. The pilots here are really friendly and always helpful.

The big EAA hangar at Compton has a ballistic wall up to 10' height. above that you can see daylight through the bullet holes in the wall. I remember the first time I landed there in 2003-ish as a student pilot, taxiing back, and hearing gunfire in the distance... at 4 PM or so.