Spell Checker

Jeff, you didn't start drinking that bottle of Scotch you owe me, have you?
Not yet brother. You, Darwin and I will crack that thing open, just as soon as we finish the bottle you still owe me from '08!
Make sure you order your copy of the FREE Notam and have it in the plane with you at all times. I hear this year the FAA will fine you $250 on the spot if you don't have one in the plane.
First time I flew in, I had everything set - in fact, I had the dang NOTAM memorized! Everything went great, no sweat landing, hardly any traffic - and when I pulled back my canopy on roll-out, my "HBP" sign blew out and headed east.....

(The taxi director laughed and sent me to the RV acreage....)

Just a reminder that ANYTHING can go wrong! ;)