Gary Baker

Well Known Member
As I am getting ready to fly into OSH in a few weeks (again), I have been following the other threads about practicing slow flight, etc. This is all great information and everyone should be practicing. A few people have asked questions that they said were not answered to their satisfaction in the Notam Booklet. I would like to direct anyone needing additional information re flying VFR into OSH to the AirVenture.Org website section:

This contains airborne photos of the areas around Ripon/Fisk, as well as expanded info for the Notam. I hope this section helps some understand and visualize the area.

My added 2 cents for everyone flying in who have passengers: Include them in a briefing of the expected conditions and ask them to back you up on the flying and looking for traffic. Remember to always Fly the Aircraft! If there is more than one person in the cockpit, divide up the airspace to watch for traffic. Try to point out traffic using the clock system and reference something that stands out, whether it is clouds in the distance or the aircraft is directly a water tower on the horizon, for example.

For non-RV four-seat aircraft: Have a backseater always double-checking the instruments, especially the airspeed for the configuration. That person might not be able to see forward out the window as well as the people in front, but he will be able to take in the instruments sometimes more quickly than the PIC. I spent five years as a flight engineer and many times I pointed out something that the two pilots had not yet noticed on the panel, because they were fixated out the window. During check rides with a jumpseater, I have things pointed out to me that I had not yet noticed for the same reason.

I have been flying into OSH every year since 1980, having missed three years, but have always filed IFR and flown the VOR 27 or 9 approach, camping in the North 40. If anyone has any questions regarding those procedures, I might be able to help answer them.

Hope this helps. Sorry it ended up being so long.

Good Luck and have a great time! Beer is cold at Bonanza N66409 in the North 40 from Sat afternoon, 7/26, throughout the week! Stop by!

Gary Baker
VAF 737
RV-6 Fuse
Medina, OH
Speed is life...

Another technique, fly the high pattern (>150 knots), try to arrive at non-peak hours (after airshow or very early in am). With long runways and alot of slow airplanes, keep the the speed up...and stay high. Doing "belly checks" before turns helps clear for traffic as well as check turns. The controllers will sequence you in from the high pattern very nicely. The other option is flying the warbird arrival to either runway which I have done many times. Piece of cake...just fly the airplane!

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engine cooling

Just a checklist item FWIW- lower cowl flaps before Ripon-(before busy), things may get hot under the hood depending on conditions- For the RV i'm going to try and get it cool before slow flight... maybe one of the deals will be a larger oil cooler at Osh :D ...
Help each other out

It's been said 10 percent of all the world's aircraft attend Oshkosh every year. And most are from the USA. Furthermore, you're probably not the only plane from your home field going to the event. Why not have briefing session with that Cessna/Mooney/Piper pilot before ya'll depart for OSH.
Topics for discussion might be:
1. Making sure everyone has and understands the NOTAM
2. Everyone got their GAC, HBC, VFR signs?
3. What to bring for the first timer
4. air-to-air comm freqs

My $.02,