
I haven't flown into Chino in about 20 years and will be flying there from the Denver area on Thursday via St. George UT and then pretty much via V-8. What's the best route thru the class D and C airports. I have flown in CA a few times lately and SoCal has been pretty good to work with. Having a Stratus II and Foreflight will be a big plus.

Flight Following

Get flight following right before entering or as soon as you enter SoCAL.

Joshua Approach 124.55 before you get to Lake Arrowhead or SoCAL approach 127.25 as you pass Lake Arrowhead. If you are real high, LA Center may be the frequency you want on 126.35.

If no one is landing at ONT as you cross, they will set you up for a straight in at CNO providing winds are out of the west. You may get vectors to avoid traffic going into ONT.

If you do not want to talk to anyone, stay above ONT Charlie and decent toward Lake Mathews and call CNO Tower after picking up the ATIS before you cross under the ONT Charlie shelf. (This method is not my preferred method.)
+1 for Flight Following.

Chino is my home base. Talking with SolCal makes the arrival much easier, and you have an additional set of eyes looking for traffic. It's busy airspace, but when you are on flight following it's not bad at all. Yes, the occasional vector adds a minute or two to the trip but I would rather have that then get to close to a FedEx or Southwest jet landing at Ontario.

Have fun. Fly safe.

Thank you Gary and Peter.

Sounds like good advice. I'll get flt following and then contact socal when I get in the area.

Looks like the wind will be favoring the 26 runways, that's probably pretty normal I suspect.

Take care,

How did it go? Looks like sound advice above. I am a controller at CNO so always appreciate the feedback! Are you the blue RV sitting at Flying Tigers?