Anyone here live in the Dayton, OH area? I'm hoping to fly in to the Dayton area the weekend of 4 October to visit my brother and see the Parade of Planes ( in New Carlisle. I'd be interested in flying into Barnhart Memorial if possible. Is anyone based there, or familiar with the airport, and know if there's a way to get landing permission? (and park a plane overnight?)
Hi Luke, I grew up in New Carlisle, and my brother and I each fly into Barnhart from time to time to visit Mom. The field is operated by a flying club. I would not want to speak for them re permission policy, but the pilots there have always welcomed me and been helpful. There is a small parking area in the grass, bring rope and tiedowns. Most pilots land on the excellent grass runway, and takeoff on the pavement. This field hasn't changed much since I flew out of it as an infant in the back seat of my Dad's nearly new Tripacer. Really a nice place.
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You are more than welcome to land and tie down at our private field. There are two runways one paved and one turf (smooth) however fuel is not available to visitors. Runway length is 2000 ft and when landing on 09 be careful of the fence on the approach end.
Val k
You are more than welcome to land and tie down at our private field. There are two runways one paved and one turf (smooth) however fuel is not available to visitors. Runway length is 2000 ft and when landing on 09 be careful of the fence on the approach end.
Val k

I will get to you some day Val. Two tries were not successful :)