
Well Known Member
If you ever visit that small strange country in Europe called "The Netherlands" try to do it in this period. The bulb fields are at there best around the 15th of april.
Holland is small, you need about 1hr30m at 120kts to fly from north to south. 17 million people and 24RV's.

We have flown yesterday and were a bit late, but still a lot of fields were in bloom. Beautiful weather behind the cold front with visibility of more than 30 miles. Started at my homebase EHLE. First stretch was to EHMZ, a grass field in the southwest. Took an hour due too some headwind. After lunch some local flights with friends to the "Delta Works" and the beautiful city of Middelburg. The city of Middelburg dates back possibly to the late 8th century or early 9th century! The Delta Works (Dutch: Deltawerken) is a series of construction projects in the southwest of the Netherlands to protect a large area of land from the sea. The works consist of dams, sluices, locks, dykes, levees, and storm surge barriers.
Thereafter a flight along the coast to initially the harbor of Rotterdam (the largest port in Europe) and then further north were the most bulb fields are. You won't see it back in the pictures but the colors are overwhelming.
Not willing to return home we continued to the island of Texel (EHTX) for a drink. After seeing the local beers it was decided to call it the day ;-)
We returned home after a good dinner and night sleep.
If you ever visit Holland please do not only go to Amsterdam. There is such a lot more to see!

Regards, Joeri.

Windmills everywhere:

A part of the Delta Works:

Harbor of Rotterdam:

Scheveningen Pier:


Flower Fields:


In the distance the island of Texel:

Call it the day ;-) :

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Great Pictures and unbelievable visibility!

I had the pleasure to live in the Limburg region from 2000 to 2004. I worked for NATO at Brunssum. It is a beautiful country but only saw it from the air in commercial jets or the NATO AWACS. Wish I had access to an RV then!

If you are ever in the Dallas/Fort Worth area let me know, we have a spare room and I can show you the area from my RV-10.

Tot Ziens!

The flower fields are absolutely stunning and almost messes with the psychic, seeing the vast variations of color in such large masses. Thanks for sharing!
I keep it in mind TJ. Thank you for the invitation!
I did my initial flight training in Limburg/EHBK. Beautiful part of the country (but a strange dialect ;-) )
Hi Joeri,

Really nice! I think I am going to do the same flight in the coming months after seeing your pictures. Really nice!

Note: Visit the Experimental Days the first weekend of July in EBLE. I hope to meet you there!

Hi Wim,

I'll put it on the calendar.
If I have days off that date I'll come by.

Have fun building! (building a RV-12 is so much easier ;-) )
