
Well Known Member
Had a nice IFR flight up to KSTC and back to drop off my CFII's brother. It was really a nice night, and a great view after breaking out below the overcast!



(Sorry for the potato quality... low light without the flash isn't the iPhone's best environment...)
Flying Home last night

Pretty pics but not the iPhone's forte as you said. Please buy a Nikon D5 or D500, take some extreme hi iso pics like these and post 'em! Can't wait to see!
Thanks for all the comments, everyone! I can't overstate how happy I've been with the Garmin panel, the layout, and the interior decisions I made!

Such a sweet interior!! Love the blue lighting.

And a HUGE thanks to you and Geoff at Aerosport for making an interior that looks and functions this great!!

<sorry for the potato quality> ?
Ed, you may need a new spellchecker too! <grin>

Nope. I actually did mean potato. As in "What did you take that picture with? A potato??"

daytime pics of your panel layout?



Awesome panel, Ed. What are you using for a backup EFIS if anything?

In VFR, I'm using the window as a backup instrument. As I start getting into IFR flying, I'm planning on using a Foreflight with a Stratus 2s for a backup attitude and moving map to get me to VMC to land. I've also been considering something like the AvMap Ultra or Dynon D2, but I feel that an iPad and Stratus2s each with their independent batteries will be more "diversified" from a major aircraft systems issue.

And that's after the triple redundant screens, dual ADAHRS, dual alternators, ships battery and avionics backup battery, or a Garmin error that takes out everything.

What's the bluish lighting under the panel and up in the overhead console?

That's from the foot well LED lighting, and the switch label back lighting.

Panel is awesome. You made it look like a million dollar plane!

Your plane was one of the ones I specifically kept going back to for inspiration, and talking to you about your Garmin panel was a big influence on my decisions, so THANK YOU!!