As a Syndeysider now living in the USA, and having flown Victor 1 both ways many times, your post and your pictures have made me very homesick.:)

Thanks for the beautiful pictures and if you ever have a trip to my beloved Blue Mountains planned, please feel free to post many more.

Thanks guys, wish I could take credit for the photos, but that has to go to my wife Anne-Marie, who loves every flight we do in the RV.

Glad you enjoyed them,
great pics thanks, as I'm an Aussie here living in the USA and you flew by the coalmine I once worked at, and the winding bridge pic was the new road around the cliff road and the next little town was Coledale where i grew up.
Thanks again as i want to do that flight one of these days myself.
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Great shots. I see the 670' chimney I worked on in the early 60s is still standing tall.