Dave Dollarhide

Active Member
Flyrod has been publishing chapters of his cool movie, Incredible Journy, in this section of the forum. That was from the 2010 trip to the ID/MT moutains by the "Dreamland Squadron"....RV fliers from Florida and the Denver area. Great work, Flyrod!!!!!

This short clip taken from my RV-4 is from June 2011, which was our 6th summer out west. From the popular Johnson Creek, ID, Big Creek Lodge was the place for breakfast, but in 2008, it burned down a few weeks after we left. The Flying B Ranch, ID, a member only resort, began allowing non-members to land and have breakfast. They request you call first...think this number on Airnav is good. http://www.airnav.com/airport/12ID .

Five of us RV types dropped in for their hospitality one morning. Flying in the backcountry can be interesting for RV types, so we're always looking for suitable strips to accomodate our small tires and low wings. The Flying B has grown in their runway and we didn't have to worry about rocks dinging the airplanes. The runway was mowed, but only to a 40' width or so. Be sure you stay on the centerline. ...not that difficult of an approach and landing, but may not be suitable for an inexperienced pilot.


Nice pics Hide,
Here's my favorite :)


PS: No crowds, BYOB (Bring your own Breakfast)
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Great stuff!

Now that looks like a cool flight! Makes it even more special when you know there is a great lodge with a warm breakfast waiting.