
I'm New Here
On a very hot day I got the thought about how nice it might be to fly my RV-8 without a canopy on occasion. I have flown several older (slower) open cockpit planes but have never even heard this topic discussed as far as the RV-8 is concerned.

Any thoughts, comments etc.

I have to call Van's today anyway perhaps I will ask them (though I am pretty sure I know what they will say).

Just my humble opinion, but I don't think that you will want to deal with the wind and turbulence of an open cockpit at RV speeds. I can almost assure you that Van's answer will be "We have not tested it, and don't recommend it."
Gee, I don't know about the RV-8 Canopy question.

But has anybody ever flown an RV-10 with the doors open??
Would that give you more lift in a high density takeoff ??

:D :eek:
open air

I would think that this topic could be filed in the same folder with testing with hypoxia.....
