
Well Known Member
Guys, just started training with a new instructor, not use to efises. He asked me how do you rotate the hsi locked into a vor to the top of the needle to fly a radial? I don't undetstand cause I never had to use vor's for navigation before. I am just a low hour vfr pilot. How does one use the dynon hsi to fly a radial on a VOR? He says one is suppose to be able to turn the outside of the hsi so the needle is on top. My dynon onle has scale functions on the hsi, no rotate function? And can it be done if the gps gives the vor position and you don't have a sl30? Thanks
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If you don't have a VOR reciever, you can't fly a VOR radial. If you had an SL-30, you'd spin the "OBS" knob on the SL-30 and it would do exactly what your instructor described.

IFR gps units like a Garmin 430W can do a "virtual VOR" out of a GPS waypoint, which can be a VOR location, but this is done in the GPS, not in the EFIS. Handheld EFIS units do not do this.

In the end, all of this is a function of the other instruments in your plane, not the EFIS. The EFIS is a display of what we are sent by your GPS or VOR receiver, so they need to be able to do these things, not the EFIS.

You don't rotate the HSI as it is slaved to the heading. You rotate the course or OBS.

What radio are you trying to use?

The Garmin handheld GPS's have a function called OBS Hold mode that will allow you to have a virtual VOR at any waypoint. You can set the course to whatever radial you want on this virtual VOR. Not sure what gps you have so it may not work on yours...
Just out of curiosity

Dynon support,
I'm currently flying with a GNS 480 and GRT H1's but always thinking about the next plane.:D

My 480 doesn't have any way to "rotate the OBS". However, if I tune in a VOR and hit the OBS button on the 480, then my EFIS gets VOR nav data. If I go the HSI screen, one of the rotary knobs then works like the OBS knob on a "real" VOR or HSI head (i.e. I can set a radial on the HSI).

I thought your HS34 module provided this same capability?
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It does with a nav radio like the SL30 or 430/430w/530/480 etc.

It has a dedicated knob for setting the course/obs
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We've got a D100, D120, HS34 and a Garmin 430 in the RV-8. I've never tried the HS34 switched to VOR mode to see if it will rotate the HSI/OBS in that mode, but will try it this weekend.
I know this is about a Dynon so I don't want to hijack this thread but I need to comment on another comment made (which is incorrect in our case).

With MGL EFIS systems you CAN fly a VOR radial (even on the AP if you like) even if you DON'T have a nav radio. And yes, it works just like the real thing, you can't tell the difference.
This is called "GVOR" and basically uses the database of VOR beacons to give you a simulated radial and DME based of course on the GPS.
You can do the same with a real VOR of course if you have a SL30 or G430W (or compatible) NAV radio and you can even do this with an old fashioned analog output NAV radio if connected to the corresponing +/-150 mV inputs on our Voyager or Odyssey EFIS systems.

All of the above also true for ILS/Glideslope. We call that "GLS" in case of the GPS based simulation.

CEO MGL Avionics