
Well Known Member
This message was approved by Doug.

I just went live with a new website, The intent with fly2lunch is to have a free & easy to use site where everyone can share flying places to go. It?s usable on either your desktop/laptop or your mobile device.

For now there?s only the ability to add & search restaurants. Eventually, I?ll add the ability to review & search other things to do in & around airports. I have the entire US database of airports already there, but there?s a severe lack of restaurants in my database.

So, please do me a favor & click the big ?add a restaurant review? button. Then sign up for an account (to help me keep the spam on the site down) and write a review of your favorite restaurant.

Many thanks to the beta test team. Anyone?s suggestions, of course, are welcome. Enjoy!
Very cool, Groucho! Nicely done.

Where's the next SoCal lunch fly-out? :)
Thanks Sharpie! We definitely need to figure out where the next fly-out will be. I vote for one of these places:


Nice web site, I just added 5 reviews for the Central Texas area. And going back to add a few more..
Thanks Garrie! It looks like Sharpie's plugging away too. 10 new reviews so far today. Keep 'em coming!!
Very cool site/idea. Much better than that overpriced hamburger site. C'mon southeast folks, get your reviews in there. Need more places to fly. Added LZU, PDK and PLR today.
Restaurant Review


I placed a review of my recent cross country from KAWM to KFLV which allowed me to stumble onto a nice airport/restaurant. M17 in Bolivar, MO is one of those airports that you like to go to just to see the activity. Lots of characters wandering around.

Glad there is a website to search for the next air mission.

Just an idea for the site. You should have a way to remove or note the resturant is closed. I went to a other hamburger site and found a review did the flying and found the resturant closed 4 months earlier.:mad:

Data need to be kept current or it is kinda worthless.

Just my .02$.

Other than that the site is a great addidition to my favorites.
Scott & David, thanks for the new reviews!

Just an idea for the site. You should have a way to remove or note the resturant is closed....
Data need to be kept current or it is kinda worthless.
I totally agree & it's already on the to-do list. Until I get that implemented, when you stumble across a closed restaurant, just enter a new review with a rating of 1 and write "Closed" in the review block.

Thanks everyone!

Thanks for the info on how to note a closed resturant.

I can't wait to go to lunch now! I added a couple places and keep checking for places I've not been.:D
I can't wait to go to lunch now! I added a couple places and keep checking for places I've not been.:D

That's what it's all about! Gas prices are high & flying is more expensive than ever, but it's a ton of fun to fly somewhere with some friends & enjoy a burger at an airport restaurant. Hopefully the site eases some of the pain about deciding where to go.

I really enjoy reading through everyone's reviews. There've been about 32 new ones since I posted this morning. Love it!
can you edit your comments later on just in case the restaurant owner gets on your case?
I'm all for the ability to edit your comments to fix typos, etc...but after the review's "finalized" I'd prefer users to submit a new review if their opinion changes. You can, of course, reference your previous review. Things like ownership or management changes can have a big impact on a restaurant. I think it'd be great to have a historical perspective on a restaurant & be able to compare "then & now."

It's perfectly ok to change your mind about a place. For example, my wife & I used to go to a local (non-airport) restaurant all the time. We recommended it to everyone. One day my wife saw the manager pour a glass of tea from a pitcher, take a swig, then pour her glass of tea back in the pitcher....and then take that pitcher to fill up customer's glasses! Now, how shall I say this, we don't recommend it to everyone.

Probably the way I'll attack it is put a preview capability much like people are used to with web forums (like VAF!). That way people can double check their work before hitting submit. It's on the list, but other features are higher priority.