
Well Known Member
Need advice on traveling with a dog.

Finished my 9A in March, now my wife came home with a "King Charles Cavalier Spaniel" (Name is bigger then the dog)

She says she want "Toby" to fly with us, so....

Where do you put a small dog in a 9A?
Do you use a crate or a harness?

Seems like I should build a shelf that he can sit on behind the seats so he can see out.

She did get some Mutt Muffs for him and he seems to like them.

Anything else I should think about? (Like maybe building a 10 so the dog has a seat all to himself??????)


Just send Wife back to dog pound and while shes gone order the RV3 kit...:)

The RV10 does not do acro (but I'd still roll one) and is a pretty epensive airplane to own.

Insurance more than double for a start.

Many of my friends simply put Fido in the baggage area of the 2 seat models with Mutt muffs.

I had a beagle when I learned how to fly. Once I had my license, I took her up with my instructor so I could handle the dog if anything happened. She was great. I would take her with me all the time, and she loved it. I was still renting then, 152's, warriors. She would look out the windows while taking off/landing. The rest of the time she'd just crash in the back. Looking back, I should have had her restrained somehow, but it was never a problem. At a minimum, I'd have a dog leashed/harnessed so it couldn't reach the front seat area in the future.

Really miss that dog....
Dog flying eeehhhhh.... Well, IMHO....I would be putting your k-9 passenger in a crate. You never know when a moment of nausia will arrive and produce some vomiting, or stress diarrhea.....Terry L. Wighs DVM
I would cage the dog. The dog could freak at any moment and lead to a very exciting trip. Especially if it was at a critical point in the flight. You won't find a greater dog lover than me, but a safe trip will make for a happy family.

Clear skys,
There was a dog at the flight school where I used to flew...

It has more flight time than me.

Most people took its for a ride in archer, arrow, even a helicopter.

We never had any trouble with the akita/rusky...
Congradulations on getting a Cavalier. Ours is formally addresses as Sir Charles Heathcliff, but he lets his friends call him Charley. Charlie disliked flying in the RV until he got his Mutt Muffs but now he settles down and sleeps when we fly with him. He lays between the seats facing forward alternating between putting his head on Sherri's leg or mine. Cavs are a calm breed and he is content and is just happy to be included.
