
Well Known Member
North/South TX Fly out - Sunday, 28 December

So after all this talk of no flying (me included down here in foggy/windy/low cloud Corpus Christi) where is everyone flying to tomorrow, Sunday, 28 December? Jayne and I are up for anywhere. We just drove back down from Ft Worth Hicks, but we're willing to turn right around and fly up there again. I want to put some time on the RV tomorrow. What are you guys thinking? Brenham, Stephenville, Cedar, Fredricksburg, Houston area, etc....anyone???
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I am going to just fly locally Tobin - we just rolled back in to town from Houston last night, and are headed to California in Mikey tomorrow, so today is laundry and flying out of the back yard (several times) if the weather allows. If you come up this way, you're always welcome to stop in - we'd love to see you!

Thinking similar.

Looks like we're on the same track - with the weather being nasty the past while. This morning we have some isolated rain and boomers rolling through the Austin area for a couple more hours. Should be clearing around noon. Makes for an excellent late lunch opportunity at Brenham or maybe even the Hard 8 in Stephenville. Will be closely monitoring the situation .... ;o)
Sunday Lunch

Janie and I plan on meeting a couple of friends at the Diner in Fredericksburg for a late lunch! Plans are to be on the ramp at 1pm. Join us if you can!!


I just got back in from a fuel trip over to Brazoria County....the weather is much better than it looks on the radar here on the coast! 5,000' ceilings, 50+ visibilities, and the rain showers are light and perfect for airplane washing. Inland, the radar returns look worse....

Tour of Texas

Well, three of us ended up going to Fredricksburg for breakfast. Jayne and I flew up this morning from Corpus and Jay Pratt/Carol and Mike Reddick came in from Hicks. After breakfast all three of us flew west to Sonora just for kicks. After that Jayne and I flew east to Brenham (they were closed but we didn't know that) and then back to Corpus. All in all a really good flying day. BTW, all though this morning showed lots of overcast throughout south Texas and showed lots of rain in some parts, ceilings were really high, between 6,500' and 8,500'. A lot of the rain showing up on radar was only virga and with the visibility being outstanding, navigating around any of it was a complete non event.

DB, we must have just missed you. I think we left Fredricksburg around noon.

Hi Tobin,

Three RVs were holding for departure as we were on final for landing at Fredericksburg---maybe that was you folks. It was around 12:30.

It was a very good day for flying--smooth, high ceilings, light winds!!!


Hi Tobin,

Three RVs were holding for departure as we were on final for landing at Fredericksburg---maybe that was you folks. It was around 12:30.

It was a very good day for flying--smooth, high ceilings, light winds!!!



Yep! That was us! :D
It was a very good day for flying--smooth, high ceilings, light winds!!!
Absolutely! Couldn't make lunch due to family committments, but I managed to sneak in a sunset quickie, ADS across DAL and RBD to JWY, a T&G there (absolute greaser), took the scenic route back to ADS over Rockwall. #2 on approach behind a P-51.

Just about the best flying conditions I've seen in a while.