
Well Known Member
NBC aired a piece on Friday night about an organization called Pilots 'N Paws, a volunteer organization that links up GA pilots, animals in shelters looking for a new home who are in danger of euthanization, and people willing to foster or adopt these animals. Here is their website:

We have rescued several dogs, mostly originating in the Southern US, who were transported in crates on horse trailers by volunteers who shuttle them up the East Coast making several stops along the way. My chocolate lab Cleco was found in a dump in Marion AR and would have been euthanized if not for this organization. Pilots N Paws appears to be a similar initiative, except the animals get to fly First Class ;) :cool:

Think of the benefits: you fly more, help save some animals, and are a hero to your wife and friends (you even feel good about doing it). The animals are happy to be in a new home where they are well cared for. The people adopting are happy because they were able to rescue an animal and get to enjoy their pet. But perhaps most important to this group is the positive image volunteering for this organization would give General Aviation. We all know that anything we can do to help GA's image in the press these days is a very good thing indeed!

I only just now stumbled onto this post. What a great idea. I hope someone in VAF can get involved in this worthy cause.
I missed this too, and have been wondering if there was such an organization to join! This is great!!

There are a few of them out there.

Most of them require a pilot and animal care taker on board at the same time. So the two seat RV probably wouldnt pass the test.

I am not sure how they feel about experimental aircraft either. I have been told on Angel Flights (human instead of animal), you can only transport cargo (usually blood) if it is an experimental aircraft.
There is another org I am signed up with, Animal Rescue Flights (ARF). They do allow experimentals but some of the crates are large so you have to give limits as to what you can carry (size, weight, etc).