
Legacy Member
Saturday, November 2nd and 3rd my wife is having "The Girls" over for a weekend of scrapbooking.

Rather than subject my five year-old son the excessive of estrogen that will invade our home that weekend I would like to load him up in the plane on Saturday morning and take him camping for the night.

We looked at Rough River State Park in Kentucky but it might be a bit cold for the mini-me.

Do any of you know of a place in the SE where we can fly in for the night and camp next to our plane? Make that planes as a friend with his two young kids may join us in their -10.

Bill, I really need to READ MORE CLOSELY. I was scanning your post and read ...

"2nd and 3rd wife" ... sorry about that :eek:

If you decide to head east for a while, you guys welcome at 53VG. If you are bent on camping, you can put up your tents in the front, side, or back yard ... or the adjacent field, off the end of the runway, in the woods, etc.
Love's Landing

I think that's the weekend of Love's Landing Fly-in down in FL. Don't know if camping is allowed but I think it's supposed to be a good fly-in.
Bill, you might consider Dog Island Florida. Very quiet and very beautiful. I've only done day trips there, but I doubt anyone would even notice a tent, let alone raise a fuss. There are posts in the archives re Dog Island.

Another possibility is the Blackwater airstrip in Florida. Opening up this airstrip to airplane camping is an ongoing project of the Recreational Aviation Foundation.


I don't know if it is yet open without asking prior permission, Tim Clifford is the RAF contact on this project, you can find his contact info. on the RAF website.


The RAF is doing some really good work and pilots who enjoy airplane camping should consider supporting their efforts.

I wish there were better airplane camping possibilities along the southeast coast, but I've looked pretty hard and haven't found anything really good. Camping at Okracoke Island is possible, but only if you hide the tent among the dunes. Camp under the wing at the airport and the local policeman will wake you up at 3:00 am with a flashlight in the face and pepper you with a thousand questions that are funny only in hindsight......

I think that's the weekend of Love's Landing Fly-in down in FL. Don't know if camping is allowed but I think it's supposed to be a good fly-in.
While I would really like to make that fly-in, my son is only 5 and my buddy with the -10 is going to bring his daughter who is 8 and his son who is 5. Fly-in's tend to be adult affairs, so I don't think that will work very well. Thanks for the suggestion just the same.

Bill, you might consider Dog Island Florida. Very quiet and very beautiful. I've only done day trips there, but I doubt anyone would even notice a tent, let alone raise a fuss. There are posts in the archives re Dog Island.
I looked into this island for us and we may consider it, even though the camping thing seems to be hit or miss.

Another possibility is the Blackwater airstrip in Florida. Opening up this airstrip to airplane camping is an ongoing project of the Recreational Aviation Foundation.


I don't know if it is yet open without asking prior permission, Tim Clifford is the RAF contact on this project, you can find his contact info. on the RAF website.


The RAF is doing some really good work and pilots who enjoy airplane camping should consider supporting their efforts.

I wish there were better airplane camping possibilities along the southeast coast, but I've looked pretty hard and haven't found anything really good. Camping at Okracoke Island is possible, but only if you hide the tent among the dunes. Camp under the wing at the airport and the local policeman will wake you up at 3:00 am with a flashlight in the face and pepper you with a thousand questions that are funny only in hindsight......

Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into this.

I agree, it would be great, if the SE had more fly-in camping destinations!
About this time last year.


If your not wanting to go far, and wish to have some civilization close by in case of an actual emergency, your welcome to come up to 8A7 (Twin Lakes) where I am based/live. We have some remote areas on the airport you could camp at, including my backyard. I have plenty of firewood and bonfire area (we do one for any excuse) as well as 3 ponds to fish in. Stores close by and car available as well. I will be there, and other RV's are welcome to come also. Let me know if your interested and I can set it up...or come up this weekend and check it out. Saw you at Triple Tree and at Long Island but didnt get a chance to chat...

In case you're not familiar with it, there's an excellent search tool for airport locations with a variety of activities you can specify - and camping is just one of 18 options. The site is www.adventurepilot.com and is associated with the iFly GPS folks (I have no connection beyond owning an iFly 720).

So, for grins I put your identifier in, selected find camping sites, ON the field, and searched within 250 nm. It came up with 7 options - some rated some not.

High Valley Airpark and Resort (GA87) and Weedon Field (KEUF) both looked like possibilities. You might find it interesting to use the site and you're own parameters to find a place to go. I've found all sorts of neat places to go off this site...some I'd share and some I'll keep to myself.<g>