Any good fly fishing rivers that are within walking distance to decent strips? Just looking for a day trip to fish someplace new.
Green River

Maybe out of your way but if ever near north eastern Utah then try the green river in Utah just below Flaming Gorge Reservoir. The airport is in Dutch John, Although not walking distance to the river you can usually call ahead and get a ride. The river is amazing--a must fish at least once in your life. This time of year the cicada start ploping into the water and the fish go crazy--easy bug to fish too because they're big and easy to see and your technique is to sort of splash them into the water.
Alpine, WY. Mongo cutthroat on the Snake just upstream from town. Pinedale, WY. 10 lb Browns on the New Fork of the Green right behind the airport.
Not certain how good fly fishing per-se is, but the south end of the runway at Cottage Grove (61S) is next to a river that I love to camp by. Think it is probably good fishing; however not likely to be a great trout stream (west of the Cascades).