g zero

Well Known Member
I think I made a wise choice,got my private in a rental ,(learn to fly and not worry about airplane stuff).Then bought a cheap tailwheel plane (under $25k)that burns 5.5 gph and fly 2 to 3 times a week.Now I am building an 8.I see lots of guys spend many years building and not flying,A Rocket fresh out of the paint shop is waiting for the owners friend to fly it home for him ,what a shame, brand new Rocket and lack of skill,time and self confidence to fly it.By the time my 8 is done I will have over 400hrs tailwheel time ,sure helps with insurance rates and self confidence.And I can sell my first plane for about what it cost .
Good plan

I doubt anyone can find fault with your plan, as long as your finances can keep up with both building and flying. Keep us posted on your 8!

You are doing what I have been recommending for 40 years. Good choice
You will know what aircraft ownership is all about. Gain some good experience. You will know how you use your plane and that will help you with the panel decisions later.

Good Going :D :D